
“Nation Of Order”经常缩写成NOO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和科幻小说相关。


Nation Of Order : 秩序国家

Nation Of Order具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NOO
  2. 英语全称: Nation Of Order
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:秩序国家
  7. 中文拼音:zhì xù guó jiā
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:科幻小说


  1. Infringer's intentional adoption of the same or similar trademarks or business names means illicit competition, which not only brings loss to the obligee, but also damages the interests of majority customers and the nation's normal state of law and order.
  2. 侵权人故意使商标与商号相同或近似的不正当竞争行为不仅使权利人蒙受损失,而且使广大消费者的利益受到损害,使国家正常的法律秩序出现不应有的混乱。
  3. It is a tricky problem faced by every nation how to balance the role of environment and development in order to realize the coordinated and sustainable development between the economy and nature.
  4. 怎样平衡环境与发展之间的关系,实现经济与自然的协调可持续发展,是摆在每个国家面前的一道难题。
  5. The core of Sunwu's nation policy was to plunder the people of minority nationalities in order to increase the troops and labor.
  6. 其核心目标是掠夺民族人口以增加兵力与劳力。
  7. The nation must sacrifice and give up a measure of material property in order to gain culture, skill, and powers of United production;
  8. 国家对于物质资产势必多少有所牺牲或放弃,借以获致文化、技术和协作生产的力量;
  9. Since no reports about the cause of FAD and auditory perception development in children were found in our nation, it is necessary to study auditory discrimination of Chinese children with FAD in order to investigate the etiology and pathology.
  10. 目前我国尚无该病病因方面的研究及有关儿童听知觉发育方面的报道,因此有必要对我国FAD儿童进行听觉辨别能力的研究以探讨其病因和发病机制。


英文缩写词 NOO 的含义,不止“Nation Of Order”一个。




  1. Naoro, Papua New Guinea 缩写成 “NOO”. 中文意思是:巴布亚新几内亚纳奥罗


  1. National Ocean Partnership Program 缩写成 “NOO”. 中文意思是:国家海洋伙伴计划


  1. Non-Owner Occupied 缩写成 “NOO”. 中文意思是:非业主自用


  1. Note On Original 缩写成 “NOO”. 中文意思是:原件上的注释

