
“Soft ZOne”经常缩写成SZO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于体育领域 ,和相关。


Soft ZOne : 软区

Soft ZOne具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SZO
  2. 英语全称: Soft ZOne
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:软区
  7. 中文拼音:ruǎn qū
  8. 常用领域:体育
  9. 相关:


  1. The genetic mechanism of the weak and soft zone at main pier site of Ningbo Bridge
  2. 宁波大桥主墩墩址软弱带成因机制研究
  3. Two concepts are presented to reduce stress peak in anchorage zone : the soft zone concept and the differential angle concept, and a dedicated numerical method using the theory of elasticity has been developed.
  4. 在第五章,总结了纤维增强塑料筋锚具的技术要求,提出了减小锚固区应力峰值的两种方法:软化区概念和角度差异概念,并论述了锚具组装件弹性理论分析方法;
  5. The results showed that tempered soft zone in harden zone case produced in process of discontinuous medium frequency induction hardening which has microstructure of tempered sorbite and low hardness and low fatigue limit were major reason to cause driven gear cracking.
  6. 结果表明,因中频淬火的不连续,使淬硬层出现了回火软区(SZO),组织为回火索氏体,降低了材料的硬度和疲劳极限,最终导致从动齿轮开裂。
  7. Analysis of Element Rigidity Matrix for Parting with Soft Zone in Rock Mass
  8. 岩体软弱夹层单元刚度矩阵分析
  9. The research results show that : the forced cooling during FSW of copper can decrease the temperature of weld zone and heat-mechanical affected zone during welding, minimize the soft zone width and weak degree, and increase the properties of FSW joint.
  10. 结果表明,在紫铜搅拌焊接过程中进行强制冷却,可以降低焊接过程中焊缝及热力影响区变形金属的温度,减小接头软化的程度和范围,提高搅拌摩擦焊接接头的性能。


英文缩写词 SZO 的含义,不止“Soft ZOne”一个。




  1. Zoology Curriculum 缩写成 “SZO”. 中文意思是:动物学课程


  1. Security Zone Operations 缩写成 “SZO”. 中文意思是:安全区操作
  2. Somerville Zoning Ordinance 缩写成 “SZO”. 中文意思是:萨默维尔分区条例


  1. Sigma Zeta Omega 缩写成 “SZO”. 中文意思是:西格玛齐塔欧米茄


  1. Soft Zone Output 缩写成 “SZO”. 中文意思是:软区输出

