
“ThicK Veins”经常缩写成TKV,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和生理学相关。


ThicK Veins : 粗静脉

ThicK Veins具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TKV
  2. 英语全称: ThicK Veins
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:粗静脉
  7. 中文拼音:cū jìng mài
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:生理学


  1. He had thick veins in his forehead, a little nose, and a large chin.
  2. 他脑门子上青筋很粗,鼻子很小,下巴可又很大。
  3. Laodaiye, I do not very clearly the origins of the past, you, but your face from the thick veins, your guess is a well-weathered people.
  4. 我的老大爷,我不十分清楚你过去的身世,但是从你脸上密密的纹路里,猜得出你是个久经风霜的人。
  5. From the point of view of the thick bituminous and carbonate veins, the fractures may not have opened and closed periodically. They keep opening for a long time.
  6. 从裂缝中一定厚度的沥青脉和一定厚度的碳酸盐脉还可以说明,裂缝的活动可能不是周期性开启或闭合的,而是在相当一段时间内保持开启状态。
  7. Thick of palisade tissue, but veins is same.
  8. 栅栏组织较厚,叶脉则无明显差异。
  9. There were thick and roundabout blood vessels ( arteries and veins ) between the tumor and hilum, Air meniscus sign was revealed in some cases border.
  10. 瘤体有扩大迂曲的血管(动、静脉)与肺相连,肿块缘有不定向性空气半月征。


英文缩写词 TKV 的含义,不止“ThicK Veins”一个。




  1. Treiser, Kobza, & Volpe, Lawyers 缩写成 “TKV”. 中文意思是:特雷泽、科布扎、
  2. Tae Kwang Vina Industrial Company 缩写成 “TKV”. 中文意思是:大光维纳工业公司


  1. Telekommunikations-KundenschutzVerordnung 缩写成 “TKV”. 中文意思是:电信客户保护条例


  1. Tatakoto, French Polynesia 缩写成 “TKV”. 中文意思是:法属波利尼西亚Tatakoto

