
“Teaching Quality Foundation”经常缩写成TQF,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和非营利组织相关。


Teaching Quality Foundation : 教学质量基础

Teaching Quality Foundation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TQF
  2. 英语全称: Teaching Quality Foundation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教学质量基础
  7. 中文拼音:jiào xué zhì liàng jī chǔ
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:非营利组织


  1. On Language Teaching Quality Theoretical Foundation of Teaching Concept of Extensive Chinese and Target Construction
  2. 试论语文教学的素质观中专大语文教学观的理论基础及目标构建
  3. Construction of the Western High School Teaching Quality Assurance System Foundation, Strategy and Effectiveness
  4. 西部高中构建教学质量保障体系的基础、策略与效果
  5. The teaching quality is the foundation of education, teaching quality evaluation is an effective measure to teaching plan, personnel training, teaching process, the scientific and reasonable teaching results by administration of education and schools.
  6. 教学质量是教育工作的根本,对教学质量的评估是教育主管部门和学校对教学计划、人才培养、教学过程、教学结果的科学性、合理性进行监控的有效手段。
  7. After three semesters ' implementation in one and a half years," the Feedback Information of Clinical Medical Teaching " has been published in six volumes, which has helped raise clinical teaching quality and lay foundation for the further strengthening of clinical teaching management.
  8. 通过一年半三个学期的具体实施,《临床医学教学反馈信息》共出了6期,在提高临床教学质量方面起到了一定作用,为学院进一步加强临床教学管理打下了基础。
  9. Colleges are places of cultivating professional talent of various types and levels. Teaching quality is the foundation of measuring comprehensive strength of colleges. It is the reflection of their competitiveness, which is also relating their surviving and development.
  10. 高校是培养各级各类专门人才的场所,高校的教学质量是衡量学校综合实力的重要依据,是学校竞争力的体现,关系着学校的立足和发展。


英文缩写词 TQF 的含义,不止“Teaching Quality Foundation”一个。




  1. Total Quality Fitness 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:全面品质适合度


  1. Top Quality Freeware 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:顶级免费软件
  2. Total Quality Fancier 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:总品质爱好者
  3. Tranquillity Farm 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:宁静农场


  1. Triple- Quantum- Filtered 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:三量子滤波


  1. Toronto Quality Forum 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:多伦多质量论坛


  1. The Quantum Flux 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:量子通量
  2. Transnational Qualifications Framework 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:跨国资格框架
  3. Triple Quad Formula 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:三四公式
  4. Transnational Qualification Framework 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:跨国资格框架
  5. The Quiet Floor 缩写成 “TQF”. 中文意思是:安静的地板

