
“Target Water Quality”经常缩写成TWQ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和相关。


Target Water Quality : 目标水质

Target Water Quality具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TWQ
  2. 英语全称: Target Water Quality
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:目标水质
  7. 中文拼音:mù biāo shuǐ zhì
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:


  1. The pollution situation of the reservoir in Three Gorges Project is analyzed and the design philosophy, design hydrologic condition and the target of water quality protection for the calculation of water environmental capacity of the reservoir are proposed.
  2. 本文分析了三峡库区的污染状况,提出了三峡水库环境容量的计算原则、设计水文条件和水质保护目标。
  3. According to the general planning of water resources for Xinyang City, water source protected areas are partitioned and the schemes of target control of water quality and total amount control of pollutants discharged are presented.
  4. 根据信阳市规划的总体要求,划分水源保护区,提出水库污染物排放水质目标控制和排污总量控制方案。
  5. Pollution total control scenario is rational performed that it may avoid the phenomena of disjoint and conflict between the concentration discharge target and water environment quality objective.
  6. 在流域内实施合理的污染物总量控制方案,可以消除浓度排放标准与水环境质量标准之『白J脱节和矛盾的现象。
  7. In order to solve the problem of water pollution in Shenzhen River & Bay Catchment and to reach the water quality target that is surface water quality standard Class V, reclaimed water is as the solution suggested in the dissertation.
  8. 为解决深圳河(湾)流域水污染问题,使其达到地表水V类的水质目标,本文提出了以污水资源化再生水为基础的解决途径。
  9. Target for Huaihe River Basin 2000 Water Quality and Measures
  10. 实现淮河流域2000年水质目标的任务与措施


英文缩写词 TWQ 的含义,不止“Target Water Quality”一个。




  1. TeamWork Questionnaire 缩写成 “TWQ”. 中文意思是:团队合作问卷
  2. Thüringer WaldQuell, GmbH 缩写成 “TWQ”. 中文意思是:图林格瓦尔德奎尔有限公司


  1. Third World Quarterly 缩写成 “TWQ”. 中文意思是:第三世界季刊
  2. Timm Wind Quintet 缩写成 “TWQ”. 中文意思是:蒂姆风五重奏
  3. The Washington Quarterly 缩写成 “TWQ”. 中文意思是:华盛顿季刊

