
“Used Oil Filter”经常缩写成UOF,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


Used Oil Filter : 废机油滤清器

Used Oil Filter具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:UOF
  2. 英语全称: Used Oil Filter
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:废机油滤清器
  7. 中文拼音:fèi jī yóu lǜ qīng qì
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. The paper presents research, technical innovation and application of the test system for internal combustion engines, and discusses its test principle and methods used for high flow oil filter.
  2. 本文介绍了内燃机用油滤器测试系统的研发及相关技术应用与创新,论述了大流量油滤试验的测试原理和测控方法。
  3. There, the oil recommended by the manufacturer is used and the dirty oil filter replaced.
  4. 那里有厂商建议的机油和更换肮脏的滤清器。
  5. The operating principle of Sunshine is to used vacuum to suck the high temperature oil through the strong sorption filter compound and perfect porosity filter paper.
  6. 中天牌煎炸油过滤机利用真空抽吸的原理,让高温煎炸油通过吸附力极强的助滤剂和孔隙率极高的过滤纸。
  7. Due to their outstanding physical and chemical property, the copper powder can be widely used in lubricating oil, electrically conductive paste, medicine, biological filter and other purposes.
  8. 由于优异的物理化学性能,它被广泛用于润滑油,电子浆料,催化、医药、生物过滤器以及其它领域。
  9. To solve the problem of absorbing water, drying gas is used to protect naphthene base transformer oil in storage tank, The vacuum dewatering process from moisture-bearing transformer oil is carried out by vacuum oil filter. The quality of the oil is improved.
  10. 针对环烷基变压器油的吸水问题,用干燥的气体对储油罐内的变压器油采取了保护措施,并用真空滤油机对已吸潮的变压器油进行真空脱水处理,提高了变压器油的质量。


英文缩写词 UOF 的含义,不止“Used Oil Filter”一个。




  1. Unusual Order Form 缩写成 “UOF”. 中文意思是:异常订单


  1. Universal Orbit Format 缩写成 “UOF”. 中文意思是:通用轨道格式


  1. Youth Offenders Facility 缩写成 “UOF”. 中文意思是:少年犯设施
  2. User Operations Facility 缩写成 “UOF”. 中文意思是:用户操作设施
  3. Use of Force 缩写成 “UOF”. 中文意思是:使用武力


  1. Unity Of Fairfax Church 缩写成 “UOF”. 中文意思是:费尔法克斯教堂联合会

