
“Unmanned Underwater Vehicle”经常缩写成UUV,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


Unmanned Underwater Vehicle : 无人航行器

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:UUV
  2. 英语全称: Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:无人航行器
  7. 中文拼音:wú rén háng xíng qì
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. Analysis of technology status and development trend for unmanned underwater vehicle and its propulsion system
  2. 无人潜水器及其动力系统技术发展现状及趋势分析
  3. This article first presents the basic situation and development of REMUS and operations and exercises of Fleet Unmanned Underwater Vehicle(UUV) Unit ( FUUVU ) with REMUS.
  4. 首先介绍了REMUS系统的基本发展情况及舰队无人水下航行体小组操作REMUS进行作战行动、演习的情况。
  5. Vector Modelling and Simulation of the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle(UUV) Hung with Torpedoes Externally
  6. 无人水下航行器外挂鱼雷武器运动矢量建模与仿真
  7. Long-range underwater acoustic communication techniques which applied on unmanned underwater vehicle were introduced in this paper.
  8. 本论文是对无人水下航行器中应用到的远程水声通信技术进行研究。
  9. According to the system requirements of unmanned underwater vehicle, the MC-PSK modulation technique was present in this paper, some key techniques were discussed.
  10. 在水声信道分析的基础上,根据远程无人作战平台对水声通信系统的技术要求,提出了基于MC-PSK调制方式的远程水声通信系统方案,讨论了方案实现过程中的几种关键技术。


英文缩写词 UUV 的含义,不止“Unmanned Underwater Vehicle”一个。




  1. Unmanned Undersea Vehicle 缩写成 “UUV”. 中文意思是:无人驾驶潜水器
  2. Untethered Underwater Vehicle 缩写成 “UUV”. 中文意思是:无约束水下航行器


  1. Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle 缩写成 “UUV”. 中文意思是:未经授权使用车辆
  2. Urban Utility Vehicle 缩写成 “UUV”. 中文意思是:城市多用途车

