
“External Velocity”经常缩写成VEX,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


External Velocity : 外部速度

External Velocity具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:VEX
  2. 英语全称: External Velocity
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:外部速度
  7. 中文拼音:wài bù sù dù
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. In this paper, however, the solution error and the kalman filter estimation bias are simulated for the given transfer alignment model in the case of external velocity and position detection error.
  2. 本文对于给定的传递对准模型,针对主惯导系统信息有速度、位置误差的情况,对惯导系统传递对准误差模型的解算偏差和Kalman滤波器的估计偏差进行了仿真分析。
  3. The simulation results show that the level damp of DINS can reduce the influence of the external velocity error, and restrain the error of longitude effectively.
  4. 通过仿真分析,比较两套阻尼系统的仿真结果,可以看出双惯导水平阻尼能够显著降低外速度误差的影响,抑制经度误差。
  5. In the experiment it is found that at a certain external flow velocity and cavity size a strongly self sustained flow oscillation in the cavity would appear.
  6. 实验发现,在一定的气流速度和空腔几何尺寸下,空腔内流动会出现强烈的自持振荡。
  7. Secondly, this paper adopts the finite element method to solve the vibration differential equation and explores the relationships of the resonant amplitude and vibration frequency of a free span pipeline with its internal and external flow velocity.
  8. 其次,利用有限元方法对振动方程进行了求解,得出管跨段响应幅值及振动频率等动力因素随内、外流速的变化规律。
  9. On the basis of quasi-steady theory, external pressure coefficient time history was calculated from the external wind velocity time history at the opening, and internal pressure coefficient time history was computed by utilizing an internal pressure transmission equation for a single opening.
  10. 根据准定常假设,由模拟得到的风速时程计算出开孔处的外压系数时程,并通过内压传播方程计算出内压系数时程。


英文缩写词 VEX 的含义,不止“External Velocity”一个。




  1. Tioga, North Dakota USA 缩写成 “VEX”. 中文意思是:蒂奥加,美国北达科他州


  1. Video Editor for XML 缩写成 “VEX”. 中文意思是:XML视频编辑器
  2. Video Extensions for X 缩写成 “VEX”. 中文意思是:X的视频扩展
  3. Virtual Elite X 缩写成 “VEX”. 中文意思是:虚拟精英X


  1. VI Editor for XML 缩写成 “VEX”. 中文意思是:vi XML编辑器
  2. Visual Editor For Xml 缩写成 “VEX”. 中文意思是:Xml 可视化编辑器

