“Very High Output”经常缩写成VHO,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于学术科学领域 ,和电子相关。中文意思为:“极高输出”。
Very High Output具体释义
- 英文缩写:VHO
- 英语全称: Very High Output
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:极高输出
- 中文拼音:jí gāo shū chū
- 常用领域:学术科学
- 相关:电子
- It is shown that the heat capacity based lasers have the noticeable advantage over conventional lasers if very high output energy within a short time is required.
- 分析表明,热容型激光器比常规激光器有能在短时间内输出非常高的能量的显著优点。
- A method using the coupling technique of the high power laser diode array and micro-lensed fiber array to achieve a very high output power is presented.
- 根据大功率半导体激光二极管列阵与光纤列阵耦合方式,分别从理论和实验两方面讨论、分析了大功率半导体激光二极管列阵与微球透镜光纤列阵耦合。
- If the horizontal well has very high output, the affect of borehole tube current are larger, the place of breakthrough will deviate to heel. ( 4 ) With horizontal well length increasing, displacement efficiency function will add ( not think about borehole tube current ).
- 当水平井产量极高时,受水平井筒管流影响,见水部位将向水平井根端偏移。(4)不考虑井筒管流影响下,底水驱替效率伴随着水平井长度的增加而增加。
- The numerical analysis of this ECRM shows that this configuration nay operate at millimeterand submillimeter wavebands effectively and provide very high output power with high mode purity.
- 前者使它能有效地工作在直到亚毫米波段,后者能提供强大的输出功率。此外谐振腔优异的模式分割能力有利于提高模式纯度并保证稳定的工作。
- Originally, it referred to the ability of manufacturing processes to produce a very high proportion of output within specification.
- 原本它反映了能生产非常高比例所有满足规格的产品的能力。
英文缩写词 VHO 的含义,不止“Very High Output”一个。
- Vrij Historisch Onderzoek 缩写成 “VHO”. 中文意思是:免费历史研究
- Visual Hands On 缩写成 “VHO”. 中文意思是:视觉手
- Vineyard Housing Office 缩写成 “VHO”. 中文意思是:葡萄园住房办公室