
“Voltage Standing Wave”经常缩写成VSW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和电子相关。


Voltage Standing Wave : 电压驻波

Voltage Standing Wave具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:VSW
  2. 英语全称: Voltage Standing Wave
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:电压驻波
  7. 中文拼音:diàn yā zhù bō
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:电子


  1. The results show that the voltage standing wave effects become the important factor affecting non-uniform voltage distribution when the electrode dimensions and excitation frequency are increased.
  2. 计算结果表明:随平行板电极尺寸增加和激发频率提高,电势驻波效应成为影响电极间电势差非均匀分布的重要因素。
  3. The utility model has the characteristics of light weight, small dielectric gain loss, low dielectric thermal noise temperature, small input voltage standing wave ratio, etc.
  4. 本实用新型具有重量轻、介质增益损失小,介质热噪声温度低、输入电压驻波(VSW)比小等特点。
  5. The Finite Difference Time Domain ( FDTD ) method was used to calculate the Voltage Standing Wave(VSW) Ratio ( VSWR ) of a quasi-Yagi antenna.
  6. 介绍时域有限差分(FDTD)法计算准八木天线驻波比的算法实现方法。
  7. The electrical characteristics ( radiation pattern, gain, input impedance, voltage standing wave ratio, etc. ) and the variable phase centers of the log-periodic dipole antenna in the free space are analyzed and calculated in detail, taking into account all mutual coupling effect.
  8. 采用该方法对自由空间对数周期偶极天线的方向图、增益、输入阻抗和电压驻波(VSW)比以及等效相位中心等特性进行了详细的分析计算,且计算时考虑了阵中所有偶极子之间的全部互耦。
  9. Finally, the trial antennas were taken the input voltage standing wave ratio test and the practical application of the received signal power strength test and the results validated the correctness of the simulation analysis, the cause of deviations was discussed.
  10. 最后,通过对试制天线的输入电压驻波(VSW)比与实际应用中接收信号强度的测试,进一步验证了仿真分析的正确性,对于测试结果中存在的偏差进行了分析。


英文缩写词 VSW 的含义,不止“Voltage Standing Wave”一个。




  1. Village Safe Water 缩写成 “VSW”. 中文意思是:村庄安全用水
  2. Very Shallow Water 缩写成 “VSW”. 中文意思是:极浅水
  3. V-SWitch 缩写成 “VSW”. 中文意思是:V型开关


  1. Visual Studies Workshop 缩写成 “VSW”. 中文意思是:视觉研究研讨会


  1. Visio Workspace Data 缩写成 “VSW”. 中文意思是:Visio工作区数据

