“Reporting Of Injuries Diseases And Dangerous Occurrences Regulations”经常缩写成RIDDOR,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和美国政府相关。中文意思为:“伤害、疾病和危险事件报告条例”。
Reporting Of Injuries Diseases And Dangerous Occurrences Regulations具体释义
- 英文缩写:RIDDOR
- 英语全称: Reporting Of Injuries Diseases And Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:伤害、疾病和危险事件报告条例
- 中文拼音:shāng hài jí bìng hé wēi xiǎn shì jiàn bào gào tiáo lì
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:美国政府
英文缩写词 RIDDOR 的含义,不止“Reporting Of Injuries Diseases And Dangerous Occurrences Regulations”一个。
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (at work) Regulations 缩写成 “RIDDOR”. 中文意思是:伤害、疾病和危险事件(工作中)报告条例
- Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences 缩写成 “RIDDOR”. 中文意思是:报告受伤、疾病和危险事件
- Reporting of Incidents Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 缩写成 “RIDDOR”. 中文意思是:事故、疾病和危险事件报告条例
- Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations 缩写成 “RIDDOR”. 中文意思是:伤害、疾病和危险事件报告条例
- Reporting of Injuries Diseases Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 缩写成 “RIDDOR”. 中文意思是:伤害、疾病、危险事件报告条例
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 缩写成 “RIDDOR”. 中文意思是:伤害、疾病和危险事件报告条例