“Wireless GENeration”经常缩写成WGEN,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于计算机领域 ,和电信相关。中文意思为:“无线发电”。
Wireless GENeration具体释义
- 英文缩写:WGEN
- 英语全称: Wireless GENeration
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:无线发电
- 中文拼音:wú xiàn fā diàn
- 常用领域:计算机
- 相关:电信
- News Corp ( NWS ) purchased a 90 % stake in Brooklyn-based wireless generation for $ 360 million last November.
- 新闻集团(NewsCorp)于去年11月斥资3.6亿美元收购了总部位于布鲁克林的教育技术供应商WirelessGeneration90%股权。
- Apple's rivals responded yesterday with Google, Motorola and Verizon Wireless unveiling the next generation of the Droid-branded phone.
- 苹果的竞争对手昨日作出回应,谷歌、摩托罗拉(Motorola)和VerizonWireless发布了下一代Droid品牌的手机。
- At present, because of the relative " shortage " and " waste " of the spectrum, the limited spectrum resources becomes a serious shortage as a constraint to the development of wireless communications and next generation network bottleneck.
- 当前,频谱资源的相对短缺与浪费现象,使得频谱资源相对其需求量出现严重不足,成为制约未来无线通信网络发展的瓶颈性问题。
- In China, Mr Wang said China Mobile still saw great potential in both its current second generation wireless operations and future third generation services.
- 他表示,在国内市场,中移动在其当前的第二代移动通信业务和未来第三代业务方面仍有着巨大的潜力。
- The new technologies of communication and the needs of new services all drive the communication network from cable broadband communication to flexible and convenient wireless communication. The next generation network would be IP broadband communication network integrated by cable network and wireless network.
- 通信新技术的突破和新业务需求的涌现都驱动通信网络从有线的宽带通信向灵活便捷的无线通信扩展,下一代网络将是有线和无线融合的全IP的宽带通信网络。
英文缩写词 WGEN 的含义,不止“Wireless GENeration”一个。
- AM-1500, Genesco, Illinois 缩写成 “WGEN”. 中文意思是:AM-1500,伊利诺伊州杰内斯科
- Website GENerator 缩写成 “WGEN”. 中文意思是:网站生成器