
“Pick Up Head”经常缩写成PUH,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和建筑学相关。


Pick Up Head : 拾取头

Pick Up Head具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PUH
  2. 英语全称: Pick Up Head
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:拾取头
  7. 中文拼音:shí qǔ tóu
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:建筑学


  1. Optic pick up head is a typical product covering opto-mechanical and electrical technology. It is a pivotal component for the development of the compact disc industry, which has a vast range of prospects for the market development.
  2. 光学头是一种典型的光机电技术型产品,是推动光盘产业发展的关键部件,其市场发展前景非常广阔。
  3. Obviously we hope in a reduction, but if other sides continue to pick up points, then the head to head battles will be decisive.
  4. 很显然,我们都希望减少罚分,但是其他因素让分数继续增加,在与强强对话中将起决定作用。
  5. The compressed messages are attached behind the message header and the message properties which are defined in XML format and transfer them to a server, then the server will pick up the messages from the head of it and put them into destination.
  6. 将压缩后的消息附着在以XML格式定义的消息头和消息属性的后面传递到服务器:服务器从消息头中提取所需的信息将消息放入目的地。
  7. ' We've seen ups and downs in the past * downturns happen every six, nine months and then things pick up again, ' says Gregory Wells, the firm's Asia head.
  8. 该公司亚洲业务负责人韦尔斯(GregoryWells)表示,过去他们看到过不少起伏,每六个月或者九个月就会出现一次低迷,之后形势又再次好转。
  9. And sometimes when Griz tries to pick up Cat by the scruff of the cat's neck, he winds up grabbing Cat's whole head.
  10. 有时候灰熊叼住猫猫的颈背,要把它举起来,可却叼住了猫猫的整个脑袋。


英文缩写词 PUH 的含义,不止“Pick Up Head”一个。




  1. Presbyterian University Hospital 缩写成 “PUH”. 中文意思是:长老会大学医院


  1. Personal Umbrella Holder 缩写成 “PUH”. 中文意思是:个人雨伞架


  1. Pochutla, Mexico 缩写成 “PUH”. 中文意思是:墨西哥波彻特拉

