
“Women In The Arts”经常缩写成WITA,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和表演艺术相关。


Women In The Arts : 艺术界的女性

Women In The Arts具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WITA
  2. 英语全称: Women In The Arts
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:艺术界的女性
  7. 中文拼音:yì shù jiè de nǚ xìng
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:表演艺术


  1. They gained an identity apart from that of their husbands or families. Women participated in the arts and civic life and marriage became a union of two people, not just two houses.
  2. 她们取得独立于丈夫和家庭外的身份,参与到艺术和市民生活中,并以两个个人而不是两家人的名义缔结婚姻。
  3. By the Shaanxi Provincial Women's Federation organized the first women in the province's arts and crafts competition, that is, a kind of excavation for the handicraft industry, a culture.
  4. 由陕西省妇联组织的全省首届妇女手工艺品大赛,便是对于手工艺品产业的一种发掘,一种培养。
  5. However, very few people pay attention to women and feminine paintings in the arts field during a very long time.
  6. 但是长久以来在艺术的研究领域里,却很少有人去关注女性,关注女性绘画。
  7. Analysis of the Features on the Women Apparatus Event Difficulty in the 11th National Martial Arts Preliminaries
  8. 第11届全运会女子武术器械项目难度动作分析
  9. From the original social division of labor to determine the status of women, the original ordinance is to protect the women in the later development of our ideas just hindered the arts and cultural development of women.
  10. 从最初的社会分工就决定了女性的地位,原本是保护女性的条例在后世的发展当中,恰恰阻碍了女性的思想艺术文化发展。


英文缩写词 WITA 的含义,不止“Women In The Arts”一个。




  1. Washington International Trade Association 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:华盛顿国际贸易协会


  1. Waktu Indonesia Tengah time [UTC + 0800] 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:瓦克图-印度尼西亚-腾加时间[UTC+0800]
  2. Tapaktuan-Teuku Cut Ali, Indonesia 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:印度尼西亚Tapaktuan Teuku Cut Ali
  3. Tapak Tuan-Teuku Cut Ali, Indonesia 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:Tapak Tuan Teuku Cut Ali,印度尼西亚


  1. Wisconsin Interpreting and Transliterating Assessment ( Sign Language Test) 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:威斯康星口译和翻译评估(手语测试)


  1. Women In The Army Policy Review Group 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:陆军政策审查小组中的妇女


  1. AM-1490, Knoxville, Tennessee 缩写成 “WITA”. 中文意思是:AM-1490,诺克斯维尔,田纳西州

