“Wetlands, Large”经常缩写成WLL,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于综合领域 ,和衣服相关。中文意思为:“湿地大”。
Wetlands, Large具体释义
- 英文缩写:WLL
- 英语全称: Wetlands, Large
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:湿地大
- 中文拼音:shī dì dà
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:衣服
- However, it exists the complex characteristics of wetland habitats due to the wetland locating between land and water bodies, and it is well known that inaccessibility to wetlands often causes a large difficulty to do wetland research.
- 但是,湿地复杂的水陆交界生境特征及难以进入等客观条件限制给湿地研究造成了很大的困难。
- During 1986-1996, the landscape change of buffer zone in Yancheng Nature Reserve relied mainly on the natural succession, and the natural wetlands reclamation of a large area became the main influence factor of landscape change during 1996-2006.
- 缓冲区在1986~1996年期间景观变化主要以滨海湿地的自然演替为主,而在1996~2006年期间,对自然湿地的大面积围垦成为了这一时期景观变化的主要影响因素。
- Chinese coastal wetlands are very widespread, in large quantities, rich in resources.
- 我国滨海湿地分布极广、数量较大、资源丰富。
- Shorebirds concentrate on large estuaries, bays, coastal area and inland wetlands. At these stopover sites, a large number of shorebirds species with similar requirements come together forming dense multi-specific aggregations in relatively uniform limited habitats.
- 鸻鹬类迁徙过程中聚集在大型河口、海岸、海湾和内陆湿地等中途停歇地,许多形态相似、具有相同或相似需求的物种在相对有限的栖息地聚集形成密集的多物种群落。
- Since the wide distributions of forests, grasslands, rivers and wetlands, northwest possesses a complex ecological environment and a variety of ecotypes. Hence it provides a large number of ecological services and related ecological products for different regions in our country.
- 西北地区生态环境复杂,生态类型多种多样,森林、草地、河流、湿地遍布其中,为我国各地区提供了大量的生态服务和相关生态产品。
英文缩写词 WLL 的含义,不止“Wetlands, Large”一个。
- Western Loudoun Lacrosse 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:西部劳登长曲棍球
- Warning Light Lens 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:警示灯透镜
- Work Load Limit 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:工作负荷限制
- Wellcom Group Ltd 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:Wellcom集团有限公司
- Washington Laboratories Ltd 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:华盛顿实验室有限公司
- Wollogorang, Northern Territory, Australia 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:澳大利亚北领地沃尔洛戈朗
- World Languages and Literatures 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:世界语言文学
- Will Lift Load 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:提升载荷
- Working Load Limit 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:工作负荷限制
- With Limited Liability 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:有限责任
- Whole Lotta Love 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:评委点评
- Wireless Local Loop—the 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:无线本地环路
- MicroSoft Word Add-in 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:Microsoft Word加载项
- Wireless Local Loop 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:无线本地环路
- WinGO Localization Library 缩写成 “WLL”. 中文意思是:Wingo本地化库