
“GateWay Core Network”经常缩写成GWCN,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和网络相关。


GateWay Core Network : 网关核心网络

GateWay Core Network具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:GWCN
  2. 英语全称: GateWay Core Network
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:网关核心网络
  7. 中文拼音:wǎng guān hé xīn wǎng luò
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络


  1. Gateway is the core of vehicle network to achieve the interaction of information between subnets.
  2. 车载网关作为车载网络的核心,实现不同子网之间信息的交互。
  3. Media gateway is an important part of the core network in the next generation networks. It is a bridge between different networks integration.
  4. 媒体网关是下一代网络中核心网的重要组成部分,是不同网络之间融合的桥梁。
  5. The gateway controller is the core of the vehicle control network as information exchange center; its performance has an important influence on the network.
  6. 网关控制器作为整车控制网络的信息交换中心,其性能对整个网络有着重要影响,是多网络技术的核心。
  7. Home gateway is the core of the smart home local area network. Interconnection between the sub-networks of various protocols and information-sharing are done through the gateway. Besides, the gateway is responsible for the Internet access of household LAN.
  8. 家庭网关是智能家庭局域网的核心部分,各个不同协议子网之间的互连和信息共享都需要通过网关进行,而且网关还负责家庭局域网的Internet的接入。
  9. This VoIP Gateway had media mapping, calling control and insert the core network function.
  10. 该网络电话网关具有媒体流映射、呼叫处理与控制和接入核心网络的功能,实现了企业内部与公共电话网的电话通信。


英文缩写词 GWCN 的含义,不止“GateWay Core Network”一个。




  1. Gold Wing Club Norwegen 缩写成 “GWCN”. 中文意思是:挪威金翼俱乐部
  2. Generally World Championshop of Nations 缩写成 “GWCN”. 中文意思是:一般来说,世界冠军是国家


  1. Great Wine Capitals Network 缩写成 “GWCN”. 中文意思是:葡萄酒之都网络

