“This One Last One”经常缩写成TOLO,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于综合领域 ,和爱好相关。中文意思为:“这最后一个”。
This One Last One具体释义
- 英文缩写:TOLO
- 英语全称: This One Last One
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:这最后一个
- 中文拼音:zhè zuì hòu yī gè
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:爱好
- Japan has not had any event anywhere near as big as this one in the last one hundred fifty years.
- 日本尚未有任何接近它像这样在最后一百五十年一个大事件。
- We admit that it's getting harder and harder to do and this one may possibly be the last one we do.
- 我们承认破解工作是越来越艰难了,这一次很可能是我们最后一次。
- And when we sat down again for this profile interview one hot summer afternoon late last month, there was only one way to begin our conversation : with the blatantly obvious.
- 当我们在上个月一个炎热的午后为了这一次人物专访再次坐下来时,我们用十分坦诚的方式开始了我们的谈话。
- This is one of the last sub-regions where you don't have all-weather, paved roads going from one part of Africa to another.
- 这是非洲最后一个地区间没有全天候的、没有铺设路面的道路的次级地区之一。
- There are three methods to handle the risk in this article, one is risk evasion, the other one is assumed by the contractor itself and the last one is transferring risks.
- 文章还从风险回避、风险自我防范和风险转移三个方面详细阐述了风险的处置方法。
英文缩写词 TOLO 的含义,不止“This One Last One”一个。
- They Only Live Once 缩写成 “TOLO”. 中文意思是:他们只活一次