
“Water Quality Testing”经常缩写成WQT,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和环境相关。


Water Quality Testing : 水质检测

Water Quality Testing具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WQT
  2. 英语全称: Water Quality Testing
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:水质检测
  7. 中文拼音:shuǐ zhì jiǎn cè
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:环境


  1. The Design of Water Quality Testing(WQT) System Based on ARM and GPRS Network
  2. 基于ARM和GPRS网络的水质检测(WQT)系统设计
  3. The health authorities of affected provinces are implementing public health control measures, including regular water quality testing, to contain the outbreak and to mitigate its effect on the population.
  4. 受影响省份现正在实施公共卫生控制措施,包括定期检测水质,以便控制疫情并减轻其对人群的影响。
  5. They have held the standard operation of water quality testing, learnt how to complete inspection procedure, and correctly filled out the operation records and shift procedure.
  6. 掌握规范的水质化验操作;学会如何巡视检查和巡检的内容;学会正确填写运行记录;
  7. This type of water that is more objective, comprehensive evaluation of water quality testing BP network to the water quality of category examples of evaluation results to make more specific and accurate.
  8. 水质类别的这种表示方法更客观,水质综合评价BP网络对测试实例的水质类别所做出的评价结果更具体和准确。
  9. Application of Ion Chromatograph in Water Quality Testing(WQT)
  10. DX-120型离子色谱仪在水质检测(WQT)中的应用


英文缩写词 WQT 的含义,不止“Water Quality Testing”一个。




  1. World Qualifying Tour 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:世界资格赛


  1. Water Quality Team 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:水质小组
  2. Week Quad-Twist cryogenic wire 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:周四捻低温丝


  1. Water Quality Trading 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:水质交易
  2. Welder Qualification Test 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:焊工资格考试
  3. Welders Qualification Test 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:焊工资格考试
  4. Water Quality Technician 缩写成 “WQT”. 中文意思是:水质技术员

