
“White QUeen”经常缩写成WQU,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和国际象棋相关。


White QUeen : 白皇后

White QUeen具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WQU
  2. 英语全称: White QUeen
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:白皇后
  7. 中文拼音:bái huáng hòu
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:国际象棋


  1. Lewis Carroll's White Queen told Alice that she could believe six impossible things before breakfast.
  2. 路易斯?卡罗的白色皇后告诉爱丽丝她能够在早餐前想通(相信?)六个不可能的事情。
  3. The cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays; jam every other day - the White Queen.
  4. 清洁工每隔一个周三来一次;每隔一天堵一次车&白色王后大街。
  5. ' I 'm pleased I was able to catch it for you,' Alice said, as she helped the Queen to put on her shawl again. ' Am I speak-ing to the White Queen?' she added politely.
  6. 爱丽丝说:我很高兴能把围巾抓住。同时,她给王后重新披上披肩。她又很有礼貌地补充了一句:我现在是跟白方王后讲话吗?
  7. I miss the white queen and red queen, the mad hatter, the time for tea in the afternoon, the six impossible things before breakfast.
  8. 我想念白皇后(WQU)与红皇后,疯帽子,下午茶时间,早饭前最不可思议的六件事。
  9. ' It is the voice of my child!' cried the White Queen by the fireplace. ' My dear Lily! My sweet child!' and she began to climb wildly up the table leg.
  10. 白方王后站在壁炉边,叫道:那是我孩子的哭声!我可爱的百合!我的心肝宝贝!然后拼命顺着桌腿往上爬。


英文缩写词 WQU 的含义,不止“White QUeen”一个。




  1. Weighted Quick- Union algorithm 缩写成 “WQU”. 中文意思是:加权快速联合算法


  1. Water Quality Unit 缩写成 “WQU”. 中文意思是:水质单位

