
“Web Services Invocation Framework”经常缩写成WSIF,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和网络相关。


Web Services Invocation Framework : Web服务调用框架

Web Services Invocation Framework具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WSIF
  2. 英语全称: Web Services Invocation Framework
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:Web服务调用框架
  7. 中文拼音:fú wù diào yòng kuàng jià
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络


  1. Bus filters, consistent with the Web Services Invocation Framework(WSIF) ( WSIF ) heritage of the Bus, operate on a canonical form of information rather than a SOAP-specific form as current Axis handlers do.
  2. 总线过滤器与继承了Web服务调用框架(WSIF)(WSIF)的特点的总线一致,它对规范形式的信息进行操作,而不对特定于SOAP的形式的数据进行操作,这与当前的Axis处理程序一样。
  3. One of the first attempts to create such type of model was Web Services Invocation Framework(WSIF) ( WSIF ) 23 originally introduced by IBM and currently part of Apache foundation.
  4. Web服务调用框架(WSIF)(WebServicesInvocationFramework,WSIF)23是创建这种模型的最早尝试之一,最初由IBM发起,目前是Apache基金的一部分。
  5. I will use this discussion to motivate the need for WSIF, the Web Services Invocation Framework(WSIF), and then continue with an overview of WSIF.
  6. 我将通过讨论来激发人们对WSIF,即“Web服务调用框架(WSIF)”的需要,然后继续进行WSIF的概述。
  7. Secondly, on the basis of analyzing traditional distributed computing technologies and their limitations in Web environment, this paper carrys out a SOAP-based Web Services invocation framework which is more adaptable to the web.
  8. 其次,在分析传统的分布式计算技术及其应用于Web环境中的局限性基础上,提出一个能够适应Web发展的基于SOAP的Web服务调用框架(WSIF)。
  9. This article will describe a more generic, SOAP-independent approach to invoking Web services called the Web service invocation framework ( WSIF ), which enables to hide the complexity of underlying access protocols such as SOAP.
  10. 该文将描述一个更通用的、独立于SOAP的调用Web服务的方法,称之为Web服务调用框架(WSIF)(WSIF),隐藏了底层访问协议(比如SOAP)的复杂性。

