
“High Performance Network Architecture”经常缩写成HPNA,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和硬件相关。


High Performance Network Architecture : 高性能网络体系结构

High Performance Network Architecture具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HPNA
  2. 英语全称: High Performance Network Architecture
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:高性能网络体系结构
  7. 中文拼音:gāo xìng néng wǎng luò tǐ xì jié gòu
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:硬件


  1. High Performance Network Processor Simultaneous Multithreaded Architecture Design and Research
  2. 高性能网络处理器同时多线程结构设计与研究
  3. The emerging high performance network servers with the InfiniBand Architecture ( IBA ) can take the advantage of IBA and improve the I / O throughput of the system.
  4. 采用InfiniBand体系结构(IBA)的高性能网络服务器可以充分发挥InfiniBand结构的优势,改善系统的I/O吞吐能力。
  5. At present, many high performance routers including Cisco CRS-1 series carrier router and Dune Network SAND switch architecture are all using multi-plane multi-stage switch fabric.
  6. 目前的高性能路由器普遍采用了多级多平面的交换架构,比如思科的CRS-1高性能路由器和DuneSAND交换芯片。
  7. It is shown that FINA is suitable for describing and evaluating the traditional network and high performance network with flexible service customization requirements by applying it to describing and analyzing the traditional and programmable network architecture.
  8. 通过运用FINA描述和分析了传统网络及可编程网络体系结构,说明了FINA适合于描述和评价过去以及现在具有灵活服务定制要求的高性能网络体系结构(HPNA)。
  9. Distributed, high performance application needs the communicating protocol with high bandwith and low latency. The network physical bandwith has been increased rapidly, but traditional network architecture or communicating protocol has not achieved the performance that hardware can support at the application level.
  10. 分布式高性能的应用需要高带宽低延迟的通信协议,近年来网络物理带宽已经大幅度增长,而传统网络体系结构、通信协议并没有在应用程序级达到硬件支持的性能。


英文缩写词 HPNA 的含义,不止“High Performance Network Architecture”一个。




  1. Harman Pro North America 缩写成 “HPNA”. 中文意思是:哈曼亲北美


  1. Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association 缩写成 “HPNA”. 中文意思是:临终关怀与姑息护士协会


  1. Home Phoneline Networking Alliance 缩写成 “HPNA”. 中文意思是:家庭电话线网络联盟
  2. Home Phoneline Network Adapter 缩写成 “HPNA”. 中文意思是:家庭电话线网络适配器
  3. Home Phone Network Adapter 缩写成 “HPNA”. 中文意思是:家庭电话网络适配器

