
“Water Use Regulation”经常缩写成WUR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和相关。


Water Use Regulation : 用水调节

Water Use Regulation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WUR
  2. 英语全称: Water Use Regulation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:用水调节
  7. 中文拼音:yòng shuǐ tiáo jié
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:


  1. To take efforts to coordinate the conflicts among the various types of water use, and from the perspective of water use to strengthen the regulation of water resources have become an area that can not be ignored.
  2. 努力协调各类用水间的用水冲突,从水资源用途角度加强管制成为水资源管理中一个不容忽视的方面。
  3. According to groundwater regime, distribution of canal infiltration, distribution of surface diversion volume during a year, agricultural water use and recharge requirement for groundwater; the regulation measures of water volume are proposed.
  4. 根据地下水动态规律、渠床入渗率分布、地表水引用量在年内的分配、研究区农业用水和地下水的回灌要求,提出水量调控措施。
  5. Water chemistry condition in common use is introduced and main advantages of integrated regulation water treatment method on once-through unit are analyzed emphatically in this paper.
  6. 介绍了直流机组常用的水化学工况,并着重分析了直流机组联合调节水处理法的主要优点。
  7. There are problems for agriculture water use in the Hebei. The paper proposes some suggestions for saving water in irrigation, making the related regulation and statute, improving people awareness for water-saving, building water-saving type agriculture.
  8. 针对农业用水中存在的问题,提出节约用水、灌溉节水,制定相应的制度、法规,提高人们的节水意识,建设节水型农业。
  9. Through joint efforts of related departments and overall effective measures and on the premise of ensuring no depletion happed in the Yellow River, the water for urban and rural areas along the river and for agricultural and industrial use has been well coordinated during the water regulation period.
  10. 经过有关单位、部门的共同努力和采取综合有效措施,调度期内,在确保黄河不断流的前提下,较好地协调了沿黄地区城乡人民生活及工农业生产用水。


英文缩写词 WUR 的含义,不止“Water Use Regulation”一个。




  1. Wallowa Union Railroad 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:瓦洛瓦联合铁路


  1. Writing Up Research 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:撰写研究报告
  2. Wageningen University and Research Centre 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:瓦格宁根大学
  3. Warm Up Regulator 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:预热调节器


  1. Wacko Under Rehab 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:正在康复的Wacko


  1. Wurlitzer 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:沃利策
  2. Writes Upon Request 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:按要求写入
  3. Water Use Rate 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:水分利用率
  4. Water Utilization and Revegetation 缩写成 “WUR”. 中文意思是:水资源利用与植被恢复

