
“XML Application Objects”经常缩写成XAO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和软件相关。


XML Application Objects : XML应用程序对象

XML Application Objects具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:XAO
  2. 英语全称: XML Application Objects
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:XML应用程序对象
  7. 中文拼音:yìng yòng chéng xù duì xiàng
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:软件


  1. In the XML data model, you define many of your application data objects as XML.
  2. 在XML数据模型中,将许多应用程序数据对象定义为XML。
  3. But as XML use becomes more widespread, not all problems continue to look so parser-driven, and application developers need a convenient way to construct XML objects programmatically.
  4. 但是,随着XML更广泛的使用,并不是所有问题都继续需要由语法分析器来驱动。应用程序的开发人员需要一个更方便的方法有计划地构造XML对象。
  5. Serve the purpose, this paper made a material application development and research. Firstly, the models of simulation objects based VRML were built. Secondly, the model was described with XML, and the standard document definitions from VRML to XML were put forward in detail.
  6. 围绕这一目的,本文进行了具体的应用开发和研究,即用VRML建立仿真对象的三维模型,然后用XML语言将模型描述成标准格式,并提出了VRML到XML转换的标准文档模型;
  7. To pass on information to the application, DOM creates a tree of objects that duplicates exactly the tree of elements from the XML file, with every XML element being a node in the tree.
  8. 为了把信息传递给应用程序,DOM创建和XML文件元素树完全相同的对象树,每个XML元素都用树中的一个节点表示。
  9. But if you scale things up to an average-sized enterprise application, you 'll typically have a great many XML objects.
  10. 但是如果扩展到一个一般规模的企业应用程序,通常会有很多XML对象。


英文缩写词 XAO 的含义,不止“XML Application Objects”一个。




  1. ASX All Ordinaries 缩写成 “XAO”. 中文意思是:ASX所有序号

