“X KeyBoard”经常缩写成XKB,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和硬件相关。


X KeyBoard : X键盘

X KeyBoard具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:XKB
  2. 英语全称: X KeyBoard
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:X键盘
  7. 中文拼音:jiàn pán
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:硬件


  1. The & character before the x in Exit indicates that x is to be the keyboard navigation key ( mnemonic ) for this menu item.
  2. Exit中x前的&字符表明x是该菜单项的键盘导航键(助记符)。
  3. If a keyboard combo ( such as Ctrl + t ) is recognized by cnee, yet the last location bar text change was X seconds ago, the Flash player has grabbed the keyboard focus.
  4. 如果cnee识别出一个键盘组合键(比如Ctrl+t),但是最后一次地址栏文本变化发生在X秒之前,那么Flash播放器已获得键盘焦点。
  5. X-ray thickness meter developed for the flyash scale in pipe is described including the keyboard. display, A / D, S / H circuits and transmitter circuit. Discussed also are the characteristics of thickness measurement with wide beam X-ray and the factors affecting measuring precision.
  6. 介绍管道灰垢层厚度X射线测量仪的研制,详述仪器键盘与显示、A/D转换与采样保持电路及传感器电路,讨论用连续宽束X射线进行厚度测量的特点和影响精度的诸因素。
  7. These gestures are linked with keyboard commands sent to the current in-focus application in X Window System.
  8. 这些特定手势与发送给XWindowSystem中处于当前焦点的应用程序的键盘命令绑定在一起。
  9. Although built around dwell times for three keys, the xev program and the code described herein allow you to monitor all aspects of keyboard ( and mouse ) X Window System interaction.
  10. 虽然是围绕三个按键的停顿时间构建的,但是xev程序和本文介绍的代码将允许监视XWindowSystem的键盘(和鼠标)交互的所有方面。

