
“Youth Version”经常缩写成YV,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和相关。


Youth Version : 青春版

Youth Version具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:YV
  2. 英语全称: Youth Version
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:青春版
  7. 中文拼音:qīng chūn bǎn
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:


  1. Taiwan's noted writer Bai Xianyong has made a " youth version " of the Kunqu opera " Peony Pavilion," which has been acclaimed throughout China.
  2. 台湾著名的作家白先勇写出了一个“年轻人版本”的昆曲《牡丹亭》,赞誉遍及全中国。
  3. Suzhou Kunqu Opera Theatre has recently produced a youth version of " Peony Pavilion ", one of the most famous Kunqu plays, to win back young audiences.
  4. 最近,苏州昆剧院为吸引年轻观众,编排了一部青春版(YV)的昆曲名剧《牡丹亭》。
  5. In 2004, the youth version of " The Peony Pavilion " at the first performance was approved by the audience.
  6. 2004年,青春版(YV)《牡丹亭》一经首演便大获成功。
  7. Humanitarian Education and Famous Plays Performed in Universities & Speech on the Press Conference of the Youth Version(YV) of The Peony Pavilion in Nanjing University
  8. 人文教育与名剧进校&在南京大学青春版(YV)《牡丹亭》演出新闻发布会上的发言
  9. Secondly, the profile shape, the white-collar youth pursue the aesthetic orientation such as simple and clear of overall outline, the version fit, nice cutting, varied profile, attention to details and exquisite workmanship.
  10. 其次在廓形方面,白领青年追求的是整体轮廓简洁清晰、版型合身、裁剪到位;局部轮廓富于变化、注重细节、做工精致的审美取向。


英文缩写词 YV 的含义,不止“Youth Version”一个。




  1. Yakima Valley 缩写成 “YV”. 中文意思是:亚基马谷
  2. Deputy for Space Launch Systems 缩写成 “YV”. 中文意思是:航天发射系统副部长


  1. Yiddish Voice 缩写成 “YV”. 中文意思是:依地语之声


  1. Yours Verily 缩写成 “YV”. 中文意思是:你的真实
  2. Yuuzhan Vong 缩写成 “YV”. 中文意思是:遇战疯
  3. Ygnacio Valley 缩写成 “YV”. 中文意思是:伊格纳西奥山谷

