“For U By U”经常缩写成FUBU,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和聊天相关。


For U By U : 你的U

For U By U具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FUBU
  2. 英语全称: For U By U
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:你的U
  7. 中文拼音:nǐ de
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:聊天


  1. In some patients with complicated and severe strictures, intrahepatic biliary stenting and flushing by U tube after biliary plasty procedure were employed for 3 ~ 6 months.
  2. 其中病变复杂、狭窄严重的病例,经胆管狭窄整形修复、肝肠吻合口内置U管支架引流,术后3~6个月拔除。
  3. By adding a controllable U axis to a X-B-axis CNC grinding machine tool and adopting the floating polar coordinate, a least-axis CNC grinding method of formed turning cutter for rollers was presented.
  4. 提出一种在X-B两轴联动数控磨床上增加一个可控的U轴,采用浮动极坐标法实现对轧辊成形车刀的最少轴数控刃磨方法。
  5. The nonlinear bending equations are derived by means of Variational Method shown by deflection w & inplane displacements u °, v ° for arbitrarily stacking sequence composite laminated plates. The characteristics of several sorts of special laminated plates and the applications of the equations are discussed.
  6. 本文应用变分法推导出了由挠度w和平面位移u°、v°表示的任意铺设复合材料层合板的非线性弯曲方程,并讨论了几种特殊铺设层合板的特点以及非线性方程组的应用。
  7. The paper studies the auto-covariance estimation of Gamma distribution by using the asymptotic behavior of student U - statistic, gives the large sample interval estimation for the scale parameter, and carries out the computing simulation according to the method of random simulation.
  8. 利用学生氏U-统计量的渐近性质,研究伽玛分布的自协方差估计,同时给出了尺度参数的大样本区间估计,并采用随机模拟的方法进行计算模拟。
  9. The exact solution for, the recursive solution and the transform solution for are obtained respectively by utilizing renewal equation of expected discounted penalty in compound binomial model.
  10. 本文利用复合二项模型下的罚金折现期望所满足的更新方程,分别推出Ψ(0)的显式解,Ψ(u)的递推解和变换解。


英文缩写词 FUBU 的含义,不止“For U By U”一个。




  1. Farmers Used to Beat Us 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:农民们过去常常打败我们


  1. For Us By Us 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:对我们来说


  1. Fouled Up Beyond Understanding 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:污秽不堪,难以理解
  2. Fouled Up Beyond Use 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:污秽不堪
  3. Fouled Up By User 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:被用户弄脏了
  4. Farmers Used to Buy Us 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:农民过去常买我们
  5. Fat United Brothers Undivided 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:肥美的团结兄弟
  6. Five Urban Brothers United 缩写成 “FUBU”. 中文意思是:五城联谊会

