“Law Of The Sea Treaty”经常缩写成LOST,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和法律和法律相关。中文意思为:“海洋法条约”。
Law Of The Sea Treaty具体释义
- 英文缩写:LOST
- 英语全称: Law Of The Sea Treaty
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:海洋法条约
- 中文拼音:hǎi yáng fǎ tiáo yuē
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:法律和法律
- The issue carries echoes of debates over mining minerals, such as manganese, in the deep ocean, which formed part of the backdrop for the international Law of the Sea Treaty in1982.
- 这个问题恰好呼应了关于在深海开采诸如锰等矿物的争论。上述争论是1982年制定“国际海洋公约法”部分背景因素。
- In view of the relevant international law of the sea treaty divided the waters for different countries ' interests in the oceans of the dispute became very intense, to protect the interests of all parties, the international community in general to promote cooperative development model.
- 鉴于海洋法的相关国际条约对于海域的不同划分,各国在海洋上的利益争端变得异常激烈,为保障各方的利益,一般国际社会提倡合作开发的模式。
- By comparative analysis, this paper emphasizes that models of maintain the status quo or Antarctica Treaty System are probably unsuitable for the Arctic, and we cannot rely too heavily on United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or the Svalbard Treaty.
- 通过比较研究,文章强调维持现状模式或者南极条约体系都不适合于北极,我们不能过于依赖《海洋法公约》或斯瓦尔巴德条约。
- One of the difficulties for the Obama administration is that while it bases some of its arguments on the UN convention on the law of the sea, the US Senate has refused to ratify the same treaty.
- 奥巴马政府面对的一个难题是,虽然它将《联合国海洋法公约》用作自己某些论点的依据,但美国参议院迄今拒绝批准该公约。
- So, the armed conflict law on the sea contains the content of traditional law of war to which should be applied war on the sea, and the treaty and international convention to which should be applied armed conflict on the sea except the war on the sea.
- 所以海上武装冲突法既包括适用于海上战争的传统战争法内容,也包括适用于海上战争之外海上武装冲突的条约、惯例等。
英文缩写词 LOST 的含义,不止“Law Of The Sea Treaty”一个。
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