
“Digital Learning Environment”经常缩写成DLE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。


Digital Learning Environment : 数字学习环境

Digital Learning Environment具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DLE
  2. 英语全称: Digital Learning Environment
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:数字学习环境
  7. 中文拼音:shù zì xué xí huán jìng
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. Through online education, a digital learning environment can be created to promote the reform of education conception, teaching content and method, to enhance the quality and efficiency of education, and to improve learners ' ability to survive and develop in the information society.
  2. 通过网络教学,创造数字化学习环境,能够促进教育观念、教学内容和方法的改革,提高教育教学的质量和效益,从而提高学习者在信息社会中生存和发展的能力。
  3. This paper analyzes the new changes of academic library users in the digital learning environment, and discusses some countermeasures which should be adopted by academic libraries in this environment.
  4. 论文分析了数字化学习环境下高校图书馆用户的新变化,探讨了在这种环境下高校图书馆应采取的对策。
  5. Digital learning means the course in which the learner studies with digital method by using digital learning materials in digital learning environment through the effective configuration of information techniques and learning courses.
  6. 数字化学习是指学习者通过信息技术与学科课程的有效整合的途径和方法,在数字化的学习环境中,利用数字化学习资源,以数字化方式进行学习的过程。
  7. In order to advance the process of higher education information technology and create a digital learning environment for students positively, domestic colleges and universities have brought in the digital platforms, represented by Blackboard platform, and teaching organization and management have been widely implemented through web-based platform.
  8. 为了推进高校教育信息化的进程和积极为学生营造数字化学习环境,国内高校纷纷引入以Blackboard平台为代表的数字平台,广泛开展基于网络平台的教学组织与管理工作。
  9. Network teaching is a kind of digital learning environment based on the computer, the multi-media, the network, hypertext and hyper-media technologies.
  10. 网络教学是基于计算机、多媒体、网络、超文本、超媒体技术的数字化学习环境。


英文缩写词 DLE 的含义,不止“Digital Learning Environment”一个。




  1. Dynamic Link Editor 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:动态链接编辑器


  1. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:盘状红斑狼疮


  1. DLE 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:德尔


  1. Dole, France 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:Dole,法国


  1. Dual Language English 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:双语言英语


  1. Dulye Leadership Experience 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:都乐领导经验


  1. Digital Lifestyle Expo 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:数字生活方式博览会
  2. DMC Light Effects 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:DMC灯光效果
  3. Dry Low Emission 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:干低排放
  4. Disseminated Lupus Erythematosus 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:弥漫性红斑狼疮


  1. Downgraded Legacy Encryption 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:降级的旧加密
  2. Data Link Escape 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:数据链路转义
  3. Destination Local Exchange 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:目的地本地交换
  4. Digital Line Equipment 缩写成 “DLE”. 中文意思是:数字线路设备

