
“Original Grain Boundary”经常缩写成OGB,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和物理学相关。


Original Grain Boundary : 原晶界

Original Grain Boundary具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OGB
  2. 英语全称: Original Grain Boundary
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:原晶界
  7. 中文拼音:yuán jīng jiè
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:物理学


  1. In this paper, the distribution of original grain boundary defects in granular structure materials is studied and a probability model is presented, based on the theory of probability.
  2. 本文应用概率理论,研究了颗粒结构材料初始边界缺陷的分布问题,提出了一个概率模型。
  3. Because the grain boundary segregation of Tin could reduce the grain boundary energy the nucleation and grain growth of { 111 } nucleus at the original grain boundary were restrained.
  4. Sn沿晶界偏聚降低了晶界能,使得{111}面织构在原始晶界处的形核和晶粒长大过程受到了抑制,从而降低了成品钢带中{111}面织构的比例。
  5. Cracks can propagate along the heavy slip bands and the original austenite grain boundary.
  6. 裂纹沿剧烈滑移带或原母相的晶界扩展长大。
  7. The results showed that the structure heredity and the recrystallization caused by phase transformation hardening were observed during laser heating, the fine austenite crystal grain was first precipitated along original austenite grain boundary, which was grain boundary effect;
  8. 结果表明,4Cr13不锈钢非平衡组织激光加热时存在明显的组织遗传特征和相变硬化再结晶现象。当激光加热时,细小的奥氏体晶粒沿原奥氏体晶界优先析出,产生晶粒边界效应;
  9. Because of rare earth ( RE ) and Si element in steel which segregate on the original austenite grain boundary can restrain the precipitation of carbides along the original austenite grain boundary, so the pattern of intergranular fracture is not found.
  10. 由于稀土(RE)原子在原奥氏体晶界偏聚与Si原子产生交互作用抑制沿原奥氏体晶界沉淀出连续分布的碳化物,因此未见沿晶断裂特征。


英文缩写词 OGB 的含义,不止“Original Grain Boundary”一个。




  1. Online Governing Board 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:在线理事会
  2. Old Guest Book 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:老客书


  1. Obrazovanje gradi Bosnu 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:教育建设波斯尼亚


  1. Orangeburg, South Carolina USA 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:美国南卡罗来纳州奥兰治堡
  2. OXFAM Great Britain 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:英国乐施会


  1. Old Gold and Black (Wake Forest University) 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:老金黑(维克森林大学)


  1. Oil and Gas Board 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:石油天然气委员会


  1. Old Government Building 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:旧政府大楼
  2. Oxford Golden Bears 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:牛津金熊队


  1. Office of Group Benefits 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:集团福利办公室
  2. Operation Give Back 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:操作反馈
  3. Old Grey Beard 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:老灰胡子
  4. Optimized Gun Barrel 缩写成 “OGB”. 中文意思是:优化炮管

