
“Inbound International”经常缩写成456,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和美国电话区号相关。


Inbound International : 入境国际

Inbound International具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:456
  2. 英语全称: Inbound International
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:入境国际
  7. 中文拼音:rù jìng guó jì
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:美国电话区号


  1. First of all, it makes the analysis of the Chinese tourism development conditions and the analysis of China inbound tourism from the international tourism demand trend, season influence and tourism price trend three perspectives.
  2. 首先,分析中国旅游业的发展条件,进而从国际旅游需求趋势、季节影响、旅游价格趋势三方面对中国入境旅游进行分析。
  3. The elements include inbound tourist arrivals, international tourism receipts, inbound tourists expenditures and stay of length. All these elements affect each other and interrelated. ( 2 ) The core of urban destination response system is the supply side study.
  4. 其驱动要素主要包括入境旅游者人数、旅游外汇收入、入境旅游者花费、停留天数等,这些要素之间彼此影响、相互联系。(2)城市目的地响应系统的核心是供给侧研究。
  5. Hainan inbound tourism space-time structure and its optimization study is meaningful to international tourist island of Hainan.
  6. 海南入境旅游时空结构及其优化研究对于推进海南国际旅游岛建设具有重要意义。
  7. In China, inbound tourist service trade has been one of the largest terms in international service trade of China.
  8. 在我国服务贸易的发展中,入境旅游服务贸易已成为我国最大的国际服务贸易项目。
  9. Tourism is one of the most active economic factors, and inbound tourism is an important part of tourism. Inbound tourism can also earn a lot of foreign exchange and alleviate the balance of international payments.
  10. 旅游业是当今最活跃的经济因子之一,而入境旅游是旅游业的重要组成部分,还能为国家赚取大量的外汇收入,可以缓解国际收支平衡。

