
“Fuzzy Rule-Based System”经常缩写成FRBS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和常用相关。


Fuzzy Rule-Based System : 基于模糊规则的系统

Fuzzy Rule-Based System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FRBS
  2. 英语全称: Fuzzy Rule-Based System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:基于模糊规则的系统
  7. 中文拼音:jī yú mó hu guī zé de xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:常用


  1. Learning and optimizing fuzzy rule-based classification system by genetic algorithms is an important branch of pattern recognition, it posses important value of both in theoretical research and practical application because of its superb ability for tacking imprecise and uncertain information.
  2. 使用遗传算法对基于规则的模糊分类系统进行学习和优化是模式分类中的一个重要分支,在具有非精确和非确定信息的分类应用中具有重要的理论和应用价值。
  3. Studies a Fuzzy Rule-based classification system to extract from complex, high-dimensional data in the framework of singleton fuzzy system.
  4. 在单值模糊系统的框架下,研究了从复杂高维数据获取基于规则的模糊系统的分类模型。
  5. The paper makes use of respective characteristics of genetic algorithm and particle swarm algorithm to build a two-stage evolvement strategy for learning accurate fuzzy rule-based classification system for interpretable requirement.
  6. 针对模糊系统的可理解性要求,结合微粒群算法和遗传算法各自的演化特点,采用两阶段学习策略,对模糊分类系统进行分层演化。
  7. In the fourth step, a genetic algorithm is applied to the simultaneous optimization of parameters of membership functions, weights of the rules and rule sets for fuzzy rule system and parameters of the rule-based system.
  8. 第四步,利用遗传算法对第三步已经建立的工作模式切换规则和功率分配的模糊控制规则中的参数进行优化,以获得更佳的控制效果。
  9. Research on fuzzy algorithm and 3 σ rule-based proportional remote control system
  10. 基于模糊算法与3σ法则的比例遥控系统研究


英文缩写词 FRBS 的含义,不止“Fuzzy Rule-Based System”一个。




  1. 1St Business Corporation 缩写成 “FRBS”. 中文意思是:第一商业公司
  2. Future Russian Business Solution 缩写成 “FRBS”. 中文意思是:未来俄罗斯商业解决方案


  1. Federal Reserve Banking System 缩写成 “FRBS”. 中文意思是:联邦储备银行系统


  1. Fire Red with Black Spots 缩写成 “FRBS”. 中文意思是:火红带黑点
  2. Fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors 缩写成 “FRBS”. 中文意思是:英国雕塑家皇家学会会员


  1. Frame Relay Bearer Service 缩写成 “FRBS”. 中文意思是:帧中继承载服务

