“Computer Based Patient Record”经常缩写成CBPR,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于计算机领域 ,和相关。中文意思为:“基于计算机的病历”。
Computer Based Patient Record具体释义
- 英文缩写:CBPR
- 英语全称: Computer Based Patient Record
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:基于计算机的病历
- 中文拼音:jī yú jì suàn jī de bìng lì
- 常用领域:计算机
- 相关:
- To inquire into the popularization and application of computer based patient record in " No 1 Military " project, it is expounded in this article that the application of the modern information technology in the illness records management;
- 为探讨军字一号工程的电子病案的推广应用,本文阐述了现代信息技术在病案管理中的应用;
- The experience should be provided for the popularization and application of the computer based patient record.
- 为电子病案的推广应用提供经验。
- With the wide application of Computer - based Patient Record, the digital of medical equipment and instruments, the information in medical records database is growing in amount.
- 电子病历的广泛应用,医疗设备以及仪器的数字化,使得病历数据库的信息量不断增长。
- Application of Computer - based Patient Record System
- 电子病历系统的应用
- Administer quality safety of computer - based patient record
- 电子病案的质量安全管理
英文缩写词 CBPR 的含义,不止“Computer Based Patient Record”一个。
- Community Based Participatory Research 缩写成 “CBPR”. 中文意思是:社区参与式研究
- Community-Based Participatory Research 缩写成 “CBPR”. 中文意思是:基于社区的参与性研究
- Computer Based Patient Records 缩写成 “CBPR”. 中文意思是:基于计算机的患者记录