
“Percutaneous Microwave Coagulation Therapy”经常缩写成PMCT,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和治疗相关。


Percutaneous Microwave Coagulation Therapy具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PMCT
  2. 英语全称: Percutaneous Microwave Coagulation Therapy
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:经皮微波凝固疗法
  7. 中文拼音:jīng pí wēi bō níng gù liáo fǎ
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:治疗


  1. Clinical analysis of operation-related complications of CT-guided percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy of liver malignancies
  2. CT引导经皮微波凝固治疗肝癌并发症的临床分析
  3. Objective : The aim of this study was to improve the technique of percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy ( PMCT ) in the treatment of the patients with large liver cancers.
  4. 目的:改进微波肝组织凝固技术,为该技术在治疗大肝癌的应用奠定基础。
  5. Objective To evaluate the applicability of a water-cooled shaft-free microwave therapeutic instrument in percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy ( PMCT ) of liver cancer.
  6. 目的评价水冷循环式无杆温微波治疗仪在经皮微波凝固治疗(PMCT)中的价值。
  7. CT-guided Percutaneous Microwave Coagulation Therapy(PMCT) for Peripheral Lung Cancer
  8. CT引导经皮穿刺微波治疗周围型肺癌
  9. Objective To evaluate the long-term results of percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy in the treatment of early hepatocellular carcinoma.
  10. 目的评价经皮微波消融治疗早期肝细胞肝癌患者的远期疗效。


英文缩写词 PMCT 的含义,不止“Percutaneous Microwave Coagulation Therapy”一个。




  1. Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission 缩写成 “PMCT”. 中文意思是:预防母婴传播


  1. Port Movement Control Team 缩写成 “PMCT”. 中文意思是:港口移动控制小组


  1. Practice Multiple Choice Tests 缩写成 “PMCT”. 中文意思是:练习多项选择测试
  2. Programmable Motion Control Track 缩写成 “PMCT”. 中文意思是:可编程运动控制轨迹

