
“Internet Protocol Television”经常缩写成IPTV,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和新闻和媒体相关。


Internet Protocol Television : 互联网协议电视

Internet Protocol Television具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IPTV
  2. 英语全称: Internet Protocol Television
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:互联网协议电视
  7. 中文拼音:hù lián wǎng xié yì diàn shì
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:新闻和媒体


  1. Aiming at the problem that traditional Content Delivery Network ( CDN ) architecture Internet Protocol Television(IPTV) ( IPTV ) system is expensive to deploy and maintain.
  2. 传统内容分发网络(CDN)互联协议电视(IPTV)系统的部署和维护成本较高。
  3. IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television(IPTV) ) is the operation based on the Broad-Band network.
  4. IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision,网络电视)是建立在宽带网络基础之上的业务。
  5. With the mobile digital TV, mobile TV, IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television(IPTV) ) new digital media business emergence rapidly, we have obtained an unprecedented audio-visual experience. At the same time, the rapid surge in business posed a severe test of the existing heterogeneous network.
  6. 近年来,随着移动数字电视、手机电视和IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision)等数字新媒体业务的迅速涌现,在带给我们前所未有的视听感受的同时,也对现有的网络提出了严峻的考验。
  7. IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television(IPTV) ), also known as network television, refers to the IP protocol-based television broadcasting services.
  8. IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision)也叫网络电视,是指基于IP协议的电视广播服务。
  9. It has brought so much convenience to us especially with the emergence of network multimedia, and there are increasing demands for the applications of video conference, distance education, VOD ( Video on Demand ), IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television(IPTV) ), etc.
  10. 特别是网络多媒体技术的出现,给人们的工作和生活都带来了许多方便,诸如视频会议、远程教育、视频点播和网络电视等应用需求不断增加。


英文缩写词 IPTV 的含义,不止“Internet Protocol Television”一个。




  1. Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 缩写成 “IPTV”. 中文意思是:每千辆车事故数


  1. Iowa Public Television 缩写成 “IPTV”. 中文意思是:爱荷华公共电视台

