

“Average Magnitude Difference Function”经常缩写成AMDF,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Average Magnitude Difference Function具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AMDF
  2. 英语全称: Average Magnitude Difference Function
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:平均幅度差函数
  7. 中文拼音:píng jūn fú dù chà hán shù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Autocorrelation and average magnitude difference function are essential methods in pitch detection.
  2. 自相关法和平均幅度差函数(AMDF)是两种常用的基音检测方法。
  3. Experiments show that the algorithm can increase the pitch detection precision compared with average magnitude difference function ( AMDF ) and autocorrelation function ( ACF ) algorithms.
  4. 实验表明,本文提出的基音周期检测方法,与平均幅度差函数(AMDF)(AMDF)和自相关函数(ACF)方法相比,提高了提取基音周期的准确率;
  5. According to the characters of short time average magnitude difference function ( AMDF ) and modified short time autocorrelation function ( MACF ), filtering weighted modified autocorrelation pitch detection method is designed.
  6. 根据短时平均幅度差函数(AMDF)(AMDF)与修正自相关函数(MACF)的特点,设计了滤波加权修正自相关函数的基音周期检测方法。
  7. In this paper, multi-parameters ( short-time energy, short-time zero-crossing rate and autocorrelation function values ) combination has been adopted to judge the unvoiced / voiced of speech signal. Then circular average magnitude difference function has been used to calculate pitch.
  8. 采用基于多参数组合方法(短时能量、短时过零率、自相关函数值)进行语音信号清浊音判别,利用循环平均幅度差函数(AMDF)进行基音周期计算。
  9. A new simple and reliable voice active detection algorithm which utilizes the characteristics of short-time AMDF ( Average Magnitude Difference Function(AMDF) ) and short-time AM ( Average Magnitude ) to detect the speech endpoint is presented.
  10. 提出了一种利用语音信号的短时平均幅度差特征并结合短时平均幅度的语音检测算法。


英文缩写词 AMDF 的含义,不止“Average Magnitude Difference Function”一个。




  1. Attack Management Development Facility 缩写成 “AMDF”. 中文意思是:攻击管理开发设施


  1. Angular Momentum Distribution Function 缩写成 “AMDF”. 中文意思是:角动量分布函数


  1. Army Master Data File 缩写成 “AMDF”. 中文意思是:陆军主数据文件


  1. Automated Main Distributing Frame 缩写成 “AMDF”. 中文意思是:自动主配线架
  2. Average Magnitude Different Function 缩写成 “AMDF”. 中文意思是:平均幅度差函数

