“WideBand Frequency Modulation”经常缩写成WBFM,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于学术科学领域 ,和电子相关。中文意思为:“宽带调频”。
WideBand Frequency Modulation具体释义
- 英文缩写:WBFM
- 英语全称: WideBand Frequency Modulation
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:宽带调频
- 中文拼音:kuān dài tiáo pín
- 常用领域:学术科学
- 相关:电子
- Wideband frequency modulation technology is one of the key technologies in satellite communications.
- 宽带调频(WBFM)技术是卫星通信技术中的关键技术之一。
- To deal with broadband signal processing, a new algorithm for the Direction Of Arrival ( DOA ) estimation of wideband Linear Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal was introduced.
- 为了解决宽带信号处理的问题,研究了一种宽带线性调频(LFM)信号的波达方向(DOA)估计方法。
- The paper uses the wideband linear frequency modulation signal to measure the transport time of the signal. And with the receiver and transmitter, this system realized reception and transmission of the wideband linear frequency modulation signal.
- 在该系统中,采用了宽带线性调频信号进行时间的测量,并在应答器上实现了宽带线性调频信号的接收和发射。
- Two kinds of typical wideband signal, Line Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal and Hyperbola Frequency Modulation ( HFM ) signal, is analyzed qualitatively with WAF. Then the author obtain Doppler tolerant signal and time-scale combine resolution signal.
- 以宽带模糊度函数为工具对线性调频信号和双曲调频信号在多径环境中进行了定性的分析,获得了多普勒宽容信号和时延尺度二维联合分辨信号。
- This paper presents a new wideband digital beamforming method using subarrays and Linear Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal.
- 该文在基于子阵和发射为线性调频信号的前提下,提出一种宽带子阵数字波束形成方法。
英文缩写词 WBFM 的含义,不止“WideBand Frequency Modulation”一个。
- Whole Body Fat Mass 缩写成 “WBFM”. 中文意思是:全身脂肪团
- FM-93.7, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 缩写成 “WBFM”. 中文意思是:FM-93.7,威斯康星州希博伊根