“High Speed Data Services”经常缩写成HSDS,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。中文意思为:“高速数据服务”。
High Speed Data Services具体释义
- 英文缩写:HSDS
- 英语全称: High Speed Data Services
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:高速数据服务
- 中文拼音:gāo sù shù jù fú wù
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- It is shown in the simulation picture that the bit error rate ( BER ) goes up along with the increasing of the number of CDM channels or multi-path channels, and the requirement for high speed data services can not be satisfied.
- 通过仿真图可以看出随着多径数及码道数的增加,误码率变化很大,这远远不能满足高速数据传输中的可靠性要求。
- Space-time coding ( STC ) technology has better spectral efficiency and better communication quality. It can satisfy the need of high speed data communication services.
- 空时编码技术具有很高的频谱利用率和较好的通信质量,能够满足高速数据通信业务的要求。
- The dramatic increase in demand for high speed wireless data services requires the next generation wireless networks to significantly improve the throughput.
- 高速无线数据服务的需求的增长,要求下一代无线网络显著提高其吞吐量。
- PowerLine Communication technology is catching our attention greatly now, which uses the power line as a communication media to create a high speed data channel and supply services such as high speed Internet access, and create great economic and social profit.
- 最近电力线通信受到人们的普遍关注,PLC用电力线网络作为高速数据的传输媒介,向用户提供互联网接入等服务创造出巨大的经济效益和社会效益。
- The Ku band satellite communication system has such merits : huge available bandwidth, small disturbance and small terminal equipment, it can offer better service for high speed satellite internet, interacting multimedia data transmission and other new communication services.
- Ku波段具有频带宽、干扰小、终端设备小等优点,可为高速卫星因特网、交互式多媒体通信等新业务提供更好的服务。
英文缩写词 HSDS 的含义,不止“High Speed Data Services”一个。
- Houston Swing Dance Society 缩写成 “HSDS”. 中文意思是:休斯顿摇摆舞协会
- Household Sewage Disposal Systems 缩写成 “HSDS”. 中文意思是:生活污水处理系统
- Home Sewage Disposal System 缩写成 “HSDS”. 中文意思是:家庭污水处理系统
- Household Sewage Disposal System 缩写成 “HSDS”. 中文意思是:生活污水处理系统
- Home Sewage Disposal Systems 缩写成 “HSDS”. 中文意思是:家庭污水处理系统