
“Teaching In Secondary Schools”经常缩写成TISS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。


Teaching In Secondary Schools : 中学教学

Teaching In Secondary Schools具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TISS
  2. 英语全称: Teaching In Secondary Schools
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:中学教学
  7. 中文拼音:zhōng xué jiào xué
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. Summary of exploration and system for language teaching in secondary schools today, provides a useful insight.
  2. 总结探索和系统在中学语文教学的今天,提供有用的洞察力。
  3. Theory and Practice Research on Establishing Network Resource Pool in Politics Teaching in Secondary Schools
  4. 中学政治网络资源库建设的理论和实践研究
  5. In this paper, the author of English teaching in secondary schools in the practice of Poor Students On cause of learning deficiencies in experience strategy and transformation.
  6. 本文结合笔者在中学英语教学中的实践,浅谈对学困生学习缺陷成因及转化策略的体会。
  7. In physics teaching in secondary schools, for students to learn the subject physics and teachers to fully train their motivation to learn.
  8. 作为中学物理教师要了解现代中学生学习态度,培养学生的学习动机,提高学生的学习效果。
  9. Use Knowledge of History and Geography to Enhance the Quality of History Teaching in Secondary Schools to Explore
  10. 借鉴历史经验提升高职教育质量运用历史地理知识提升中学历史教学质量探究


英文缩写词 TISS 的含义,不止“Teaching In Secondary Schools”一个。




  1. Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:治疗干预评分系统


  1. Teacher Instructional Support Specialist 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:教师教学支持专家
  2. Timber Industry Superannuation Scheme 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:木材工业退休金计划


  1. Tata Institute of Social Sciences 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:塔塔社会科学研究所


  1. Thermal Imaging Sensor System 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:热成像传感器系统
  2. TEWS Intermediate Support System 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:TEWS中间支撑系统


  1. Takakei Information System Society 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:Takakei信息系统协会
  2. The Institute for Security Studies 缩写成 “TISS”. 中文意思是:安全研究所

