
“Common Intrusion Detection Framework”经常缩写成CIDF,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Common Intrusion Detection Framework具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CIDF
  2. 英语全称: Common Intrusion Detection Framework
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:通用入侵检测框架
  7. 中文拼音:tōng yòng rù qīn jiǎn cè kuàng jià
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. This paper proves that the model is feasible for intrusion detection and describes the IDS that uses this model to describe net-attacks by CIDF ( Common Intrusion Detection Framework(CIDF) ).
  2. 本文论证了应用该模型的可行性,并利用通用入侵检测框架(CIDF)CIDF对应用该模型的入侵检测系统进行了描述,最后与其它入侵检测模型进行了比较。
  3. In order to reuse intrusion detection components, DARPA presents a common intrusion detection framework ( CIDF ).
  4. 为了重复利用入侵检测构件,DARPA提出了通用入侵检测模型;
  5. In the end, according to the Common Intrusion Detection Framework(CIDF), the association rules mining technique is applied to the intrusion detection system, and then an intrusion detection system based on data mining is designed.
  6. 最后举例说明了关联规则挖掘应用到入侵检测的可行性和应用方法,阐述了通用入侵检测框架(CIDF),根据该框架,设计了一个采用关联规则挖掘技术,基于数据挖掘的入侵检测系统。
  7. Finally, according to common intrusion detection framework, the thesis proposed the architecture of network-based distributed intrusion detection system ( NDIDS ), and the system has high efficiency, scalability and safety.
  8. 最后以通用入侵检测系统框架模型(CIDF)为基础,提出了基于网络的分布式入侵检测系统(NDIDS),该系统具有高效性、可扩展性和安全性。
  9. It designs the experiment and gives experimental analysis using the KDD CUP 99 data set as test data. Thirdly, a data mining based intrusion detection system is designed based on the common intrusion detection framework ( CIDF ).
  10. 设计实验并利用KDDCUP99实验数据集作为测试数据进行实验分析。然后,在通用入侵检测框架(CIDF)(CIDF)的基础上,设计了一种基于数据挖掘的入侵检测系统。


英文缩写词 CIDF 的含义,不止“Common Intrusion Detection Framework”一个。




  1. China Industry Design Forum 缩写成 “CIDF”. 中文意思是:中国工业设计论坛

