“Face Of The Brand”经常缩写成FOTB,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。中文意思为:“品牌形象”。
Face Of The Brand具体释义
- 英文缩写:FOTB
- 英语全称: Face Of The Brand
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:品牌形象
- 中文拼音:pǐn pái xíng xiàng
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- He is often seated amid celebrities at fashion shows and is used as the face of the brand.
- 他常常列身于秀场名流中,并作为品牌的形象面孔出现。
- David Beckham himself hinted at this when he said he realised he had potential as a bodywear mogul when he was the face of Armani undies, and the brand told him they had doubled their turnover. Why not make that money for himself?
- 大卫贝克汉姆代言阿玛尼内衣后,公司告诉他销售量出现了翻倍,他就曾暗示过自己曾意识到有当内衣界大腕的潜质,既然如此,为啥不自立山头挣这钱呢?
- SMES face of the various restrictions on their own to create a good brand, SMES have become an urgent problem to be solved.
- 中小企业如何面对自身的种种限制来进行品牌创建,就成为中小企业迫切要解决的问题。
- Brand trust is defined as the willingness of the consumer to approve of the brand in face of risk on the basis of the consumer's positive expectation of brand quality, behavior intentions and the brand's commitment to its stated functions.
- 品牌信任就是在风险情境下,消费者基于对品牌品质、行为意向及其履行承诺的能力的正面预期而产生的认可该品牌的意愿。
- In the face of the real estate market supply and demand change and increasingly smart and rational consumers, brand influence is shown with each passing day, the brand has become a real estate enterprise core content of competition.
- 面对房地产市场供求关系的转变以及日益精明和理性的消费者,品牌的影响力日渐显现,品牌也已经成为房地产企业竞争的核心内容。
英文缩写词 FOTB 的含义,不止“Face Of The Brand”一个。
- Friends Of Trevallyn Bushland 缩写成 “FOTB”. 中文意思是:特雷瓦林丛林之友
- Flash on the Beach 缩写成 “FOTB”. 中文意思是:在海滩上闪光
- Friends of the Banyan 缩写成 “FOTB”. 中文意思是:榕树之友
- Friends of the Bridegroom 缩写成 “FOTB”. 中文意思是:新郎之友
- Fresh Out The Box 缩写成 “FOTB”. 中文意思是:清空盒子