
“Broadband To The Home”经常缩写成BTTH,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和网络相关。


Broadband To The Home具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:BTTH
  2. 英语全称: Broadband To The Home
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:家庭宽带
  7. 中文拼音:jiā tíng kuān dài
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络


  1. High bandwidth Internet services led to fast growing in the carrier backbone network capacity, the expansion size continues to increase, broadband speed measures such as fiber to the home are also closely deployed.
  2. 大带宽业务的发展使得运营商骨干网络的容量也越来越大,扩容颗粒度不断加大,光纤入户等提速措施也在紧密部署。
  3. Although hybrid fiber coaxial ( HFC ) networks have been in use for delivering television programs to the home, their usage as access networks to provide broadband interactive data services ( BIDS ) to the home is very recent.
  4. 光缆电缆混合(HFC)网已被广泛地用来传送电视节目,但用它作为接入网来提供宽带交互数据服务(BIDS)却还没几年。
  5. Broadband services, showing a strong impetus to the development, users expressed a strong interest in IPTV, video surveillance, smart home and other diversified business.
  6. 宽带业务呈现出强劲的发展动力,用户对IPTV、视频监控、智能家居等多样化业务表示出强烈的兴趣。
  7. Meanwhile, through the high-speed network interface with the media center or broadband download centers and residential service system, the home gateway can realize data sharing and linkage control and use telnet to achieve access and to control the home devices.
  8. 同时,家庭网关还通过高速网络接口与媒体中心或者宽带下载中心与小区服务系统实现数据共享和联动控制,利用远程登录实现对家庭设备的访问和控制。


英文缩写词 BTTH 的含义,不止“Broadband To The Home”一个。




  1. Big Time Texas Hunts 缩写成 “BTTH”. 中文意思是:德克萨斯州大狩猎


  1. Boot To The Head 缩写成 “BTTH”. 中文意思是:从头到脚


  1. Bound to the Highlander 缩写成 “BTTH”. 中文意思是:绑定到高地人
  2. Bullet To The Head 缩写成 “BTTH”. 中文意思是:爆头
  3. Bump To The Head 缩写成 “BTTH”. 中文意思是:撞到头上
  4. Byłem Tu Tony Halik 缩写成 “BTTH”. 中文意思是:拜姆图托尼之吻

