
“Construction Regulations And Rules”经常缩写成CRAR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和建筑相关。


Construction Regulations And Rules : 施工规章制度

Construction Regulations And Rules具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CRAR
  2. 英语全称: Construction Regulations And Rules
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:施工规章制度
  7. 中文拼音:shī gōng guī zhāng zhì dù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:建筑


  1. Reinforce the construction of the regulations and rules, regularize the management of it;
  2. 加强规章制度建设,规范实践教学管理;
  3. At present, China has enjoyed a stable political environment, invested a great amount of capital in the construction of infrastructural facilities, and is constantly perfecting the construction of law, regulations and some other rules.
  4. 中国目前政治稳定,国家投入大量资金进行基础设施建设,并且不断完善法律法规等制度建设。
  5. At the same time, the construction of law, regulations and some other rules are constantly perfecting. Although, the construction marked have much improved recent years, but contrast with the foreign construction marked, we have a lot of problem to be cope with.
  6. 同时,与之配套法律规定和制度也在不断健全和完善。虽然我国建筑市场进步显著,但是与国外的建筑市场相比尚有许多问题亟待解决。
  7. In the modern construction of law, national regulations and folk rules are an independent and interactional entity. It is essential for the local legislation to absorb native resources such as folk rules.
  8. 现代法治建设中,国家立法与民间规则构成相辅相成的统一体,地方立法尤其需要吸纳民间规则等法律文化本土资源。
  9. Foreign capital invested construction enterprise, as other foreign capital invested enterprises, should be established in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and rules.
  10. 外商投资建筑业企业同其他的外商投资企业一样,其设立必须按照中国法律、规、章的规定。


英文缩写词 CRAR 的含义,不止“Construction Regulations And Rules”一个。




  1. Community Reflective Action Research 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:社区反思行为研究


  1. Capital To Risk Assets Ratio 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:资本与风险资产比率
  2. Capital To Risk Asset Ratio 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:资本与风险资产比率
  3. Carl Rogers Akademie Ruhr 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:卡尔·罗杰斯鲁尔学院
  4. Cooperativa Romana Abitazioni Residenziali 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:罗马住宅合作社
  5. Commercial rent arrears recovery 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:商业欠租追回
  6. Cities Ranked and Rated 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:城市排名和评级
  7. Center for Research Animal Resources 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:动物资源研究中心
  8. Credit Report Authorization and Release 缩写成 “CRAR”. 中文意思是:信用报告授权和发布

