
“Web Services Based Integration”经常缩写成WSBI,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Web Services Based Integration : 基于Web服务的集成

Web Services Based Integration具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WSBI
  2. 英语全称: Web Services Based Integration
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:基于Web服务的集成
  7. 中文拼音:jī yú fú wù de jí chéng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Steve Jones : I think another key reason is that most projects were not actually doing SOA, they were doing Web Services based integration.
  2. SteveJones:我认为另一个主要原因是很多项目并没有真正地实施SOA,他们只是在做基于WebService的整合。
  3. Given that Microsoft represents a large part of the Web Services market for many Web Services based integration needs, this can only limit the applicability of WSTF.
  4. 鉴于微软代表了针对大量基于Web服务集成需求的Web服务市场的大部分,此举将大大限制WSTF的能力。
  5. The basic approaches of information integration based on Web services are discussed. Web services based information integration system architecture is presented for gas field enterprise, and metadata based information integration approach is proposed.
  6. 讨论了Web服务应用于信息整合的基本模式,提出了基于Web服务的气田信息整合体系结构和基于元数据的气田信息整合方法。
  7. Thirdly, we discuss the key technologies based on the model proposed above, including web services based application integration, XML middleware based heterogeneous data integration, dynamic web services composition based business flow integration, and XML and role based access control.
  8. 主要包括基于web服务的应用程序集成、基于XML中间件的异构数据集成、基于web服务动态整合的业务流程集成和基于XML和角色的访问控制等。
  9. Research of Web Services Based Heterogeneous Data Integration System
  10. 基于WebServices的异构数据集成系统的应用研究


英文缩写词 WSBI 的含义,不止“Web Services Based Integration”一个。




  1. Warwick Community Bancorp, Incorporated (de-listed) 缩写成 “WSBI”. 中文意思是:华威社区银行股份有限公司(减列)
  2. Wharton Sports Business Initiative 缩写成 “WSBI”. 中文意思是:沃顿体育产业项目
  3. World Savings Banks Institute 缩写成 “WSBI”. 中文意思是:世界储蓄银行协会


  1. Wide Sweep Backscatter Ionograms 缩写成 “WSBI”. 中文意思是:宽扫后向散射电离图
  2. Web Service Based Integration 缩写成 “WSBI”. 中文意思是:基于Web服务的集成
  3. Washington State Bridge Inventory 缩写成 “WSBI”. 中文意思是:华盛顿州大桥清单

