
“Linux On The Desktop”经常缩写成LOTD,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和软件相关。


Linux On The Desktop : 桌面上的Linux

Linux On The Desktop具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LOTD
  2. 英语全称: Linux On The Desktop
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:桌面上的Linux
  7. 中文拼音:zhuō miàn shàng de
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:软件


  1. Can Linux Become an Alternative to Windows on the Desktop?
  2. Linux能替代Windows桌面系统吗?
  3. Acknowledging customer costs and security concerns, IBM started investing in the Linux desktop by extending support of its enterprise applications on the Linux Desktop.
  4. 在考虑客户成本和安全因素后,IBM已经开始在Linux桌面上进行投资,在LinuxDesktop上扩大对其企业应用程序的支持。
  5. However, researches on the generic Linux securities can not be applied directly on Android because of the differences between mobile and desktop environment.
  6. 而对通用Linux内核安全性的研究成果亦无法直接适用于Android平台。
  7. The early study of Linux system focused on servers. Linux for its low cost, stable performance, safety and reliability is known, since these advantages make the demand for Linux desktop systems continued to expand.
  8. 在Linux系统的相关研究中,最早是在服务器领域内,是以其成本部署较低、性能稳定、使用安全可靠而闻名,由于这些优点使得Linux的桌面系统需求也不断的扩大。
  9. Hopefully the Java deployment story on the desktop will be addressed by future developments and by deals such as the one Canonical and Sun worked out earlier to get Java installed with Ubuntu Linux.
  10. 但愿Java的桌面部署过程能在今后的开发中得到解决,也能通过像Canonical和Sun先前使Java得以安装在UbuntuLinux上的合作一样,得到解决。


英文缩写词 LOTD 的含义,不止“Linux On The Desktop”一个。




  1. Links Of The Day 缩写成 “LOTD”. 中文意思是:当天的链接


  1. Lord Of The Dance 缩写成 “LOTD”. 中文意思是:舞蹈之王

