
“Internet Public Key Infrastructure”经常缩写成IPKI,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和相关。


Internet Public Key Infrastructure : 因特网公钥基础设施

Internet Public Key Infrastructure具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IPKI
  2. 英语全称: Internet Public Key Infrastructure
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:因特网公钥基础设施
  7. 中文拼音:yīn tè wǎng gōng yào jī chǔ shè shī
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:


  1. Certificates path processing is an important technology to realize security authenticating in Internet public key infrastructure.
  2. 证书路径处理是实现公钥基础设施中安全认证的重要技术。
  3. The various methods of public key certificates revocation about Internet Public Key Infrastructure(IPKI) are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are studied.
  4. 分析了Internet公钥基础设施中公钥证书撤销的各种方法,研究了各种方法的优缺点。
  5. As an integrated set of Internet security solution, public key infrastructure has been formed the kernel of information security technology. In addition, it becomes the critical and basic technology of electronic commerce.
  6. 公钥基础设施(PublicKeyInfrastructure)作为一套完整的Internet安全解决方案,现已成为信息安全技术的核心,同时也是电子商务的发展的重要保障。
  7. RST get security property of the transaction when it is operated on the open network, like Internet, by using public key infrastructure ( PKI ).
  8. 事务在公共网(如Internet)进行时的安全性则通过采用加密方法和电了证书的技术来获得描述RST的基本步骤。
  9. LDAP is an important information query protocol for Internet. In the public key Infrastructure, LDAP is used to query and download certificates and CRLs ( certificate revocation lists ) from the repository, so it is widely applied and plays an important role.
  10. LDAP协议是Internet中用于数据查询访问的重要协议,在PKI基础设施中,LDAP可用于证书和CRL的查询下载,具有广泛而重要的应用。


英文缩写词 IPKI 的含义,不止“Internet Public Key Infrastructure”一个。




  1. Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan Indonesia 缩写成 “IPKI”. 中文意思是:印度尼西亚Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan
  2. Izin Perluasan Kawasan Industri 缩写成 “IPKI”. 中文意思是:川山工业株式会社


  1. Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure 缩写成 “IPKI”. 中文意思是:Internet X.509公钥基础结构

