
“Ministry To The Military”经常缩写成MTTM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Ministry To The Military : 军事部

Ministry To The Military具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MTTM
  2. 英语全称: Ministry To The Military
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:军事部
  7. 中文拼音:jūn shì bù
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. At a rare briefing, China's defense ministry spokesman, Geng Yansheng, announced that the30-strong team was formed to improve the military's security, the Beijing News reported Thursday.
  2. 在一罕见的简报会,中国国防部发言人耿延生宣布30人队伍的组成,以提高军队的安全,北京新闻周四报导。
  3. An official at the defence ministry who asked not to be named said the reform plans did not mean the military had changed its focus on security.
  4. 中国国防部一名希望匿名的官员表示,上述改革计划并不意味着军方对安全的关注有任何改变。
  5. The Ministry of education shall promulgate regulations pertaining to the selection, secondment, promotion, and transfer of the director of military instruction, military instructors, and nursing instructors at Vocational schools.
  6. 职业学校军训主任教官、军训教官及护理教员之遴选、介派、迁调办法,由教育部定之。
  7. When Japanese Ministry of Finance put forward the proposal to issue military currency, the war nearly ended and Qing government sued for peace. So the military currency was not used in large scale in that period and only used by Japanese army when they invaded Taiwan.
  8. 由于日本大藏省提出发行军票时,战局已定,清政府准备求和。军票没有大规模使用,只在侵占台湾的派遣军中使用。


英文缩写词 MTTM 的含义,不止“Ministry To The Military”一个。




  1. Multi Tumor Tissue Microarray 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:多肿瘤组织微阵列


  1. Michelin Total Tire Management 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:米其林轮胎管理公司


  1. Modified Topic Trace Mapping 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:修改的主题跟踪映射


  1. Married To The Mob 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:嫁给暴徒
  2. Mean Time To Manifest 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:平均显化时间
  3. Mean Time To Maintenance 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:平均维修时间
  4. Mean Time To Market 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:平均上市时间
  5. Models Textures Terrains And Maps 缩写成 “MTTM”. 中文意思是:模型、纹理、地形和地图

