
“Order Of Justice”经常缩写成OOJ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和法律和法律相关。


Order Of Justice : 司法秩序

Order Of Justice具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OOJ
  2. 英语全称: Order Of Justice
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:司法秩序
  7. 中文拼音:sī fǎ zhì xù
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:法律和法律


  1. Consequently, to create a new international economic, political, and cultural order of justice, equity and harmony is the internal containment to eliminate cyber terrorism while a comprehensive countermeasure guided by the legislation is the external containment to prevent and control cyber terrorism.
  2. 因此,创建公平、公正、和谐的国际经济、政治、文化新秩序是消除网络恐怖主义的内部遏制力量,以立法为主导的综合防治对策是防控网络恐怖主义的外部遏制力量。
  3. The law should embody the two values, for the aim of law is to create the social order of justice. The contemporary choice of law should pursue the harmony and balance of the two values.
  4. 法律应当是两大价值的综合,即法律旨在创设一种正义的社会秩序,那么当代②法律选择追求的应是两者的融和与平衡。
  5. As a type of crime which seriously breaches the order of justice administration, crime of escape has been put into much attention by the legislatures and judicial organs of different countries.
  6. 脱逃罪是一种严重破坏国家司法管理秩序的犯罪,历来受到各国立法机关和司法机关的重视。
  7. The actor of mediate acceptance of bribes would violate the legitimate rights and interests of others and the social order of equity and justice, and the public confidence in the state.
  8. 斡旋贿赂行为侵害的是其他公民的正当权益和公平公正的社会秩序,同时也侵害了社会公众对国家的信任感。
  9. The chief constable applied for an order of mandamus direct the justice to rehear the case.
  10. 警察局长申请获得上级法院对下级法院所发的训令,命令法官重新审理该案。


英文缩写词 OOJ 的含义,不止“Order Of Justice”一个。




  1. Office Of Judges 缩写成 “OOJ”. 中文意思是:法官办公室
  2. Order Of Johns 缩写成 “OOJ”. 中文意思是:Johns勋章


  1. Oil Of Julep 缩写成 “OOJ”. 中文意思是:尤利普油


  1. Object-Oriented Japanese 缩写成 “OOJ”. 中文意思是:面向对象日语
  2. Object Oriented Javascript 缩写成 “OOJ”. 中文意思是:面向对象的 JavaScript

