
“State Ministry Of Health”经常缩写成SMOH,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和相关。


State Ministry Of Health具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SMOH
  2. 英语全称: State Ministry Of Health
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国家卫生部
  7. 中文拼音:guó jiā wèi shēng bù
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:


  1. Data from the State Ministry of Health hospital registry suggest there are still more villages where lead poisoning may be a problem.
  2. 从州立卫生部医院登记的数据推断,还有更多可能存在铅中毒问题的村庄。
  3. But the state says he must ask the Ministry of Health in Brasilia, he says.
  4. 他说,但是州政府说他必须向在巴西利亚的卫生部索取。
  5. He is rated as one of the instructors to the third and fourth academic inheritors of famous TCM experts by the State Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  6. 被国家人事部、教育部、卫生部、国家中医药管理局评定为全国名老中医药专家学术继承工作第三、四批指导老师。
  7. The hospital has been honored numerous awards from the State Council, the former National Labor and Personnel Ministry, the Ministry of Health and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government.
  8. 医院曾多次荣获国务院、国家劳动人事部、卫生部、省政府嘉奖;
  9. State Ministry of Education promulgated " the Nine-year Compulsory Education System Syllabus of PE and Health For Junior High School " in 2000. Meanwhile," PE Health " has been experimented in 38 state-grade primary and secondary schools progressively.
  10. 2000年国家教育部颁布了《九年义务教育初级中学体育与健康教学大纲》,体育与健康课程在全国38个国家级中小学实验区进行实验,并逐步扩大。


英文缩写词 SMOH 的含义,不止“State Ministry Of Health”一个。




  1. St. Marys Orthopaedic Hospital 缩写成 “SMOH”. 中文意思是:圣玛丽骨科医院

