“Controlled Flight Into Terrain”经常缩写成CFIT,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。中文意思为:“受控飞行进入地形”。
Controlled Flight Into Terrain具体释义
- 英文缩写:CFIT
- 英语全称: Controlled Flight Into Terrain
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:受控飞行进入地形
- 中文拼音:shòu kòng fēi xíng jìn rù dì xíng
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:交通运输
- In order to prevent The Controlled Flight Into Terrain(CFIT) ( CFIT ) accidents / instances from occurring, the aviation field studied the principles and equipments to avoid CFITs.
- 为了减少可控飞行撞地和空中相撞的危险,航空界不断地进行了防撞理论和防撞设备的研究。
- With the improvement of aviation technology, the Controlled Flight Into Terrain(CFIT) ( CFIT ) accidents / instances result from human factor has become the main cause result in the air disaster.
- 随着航空设备技术水平迅速提高,人为因素造成的可控飞行撞地CFIT已经成为商用飞机机毁人亡的主要原因。