
“Implementation Force”经常缩写成IFOR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和联合国相关。


Implementation Force : 执行部队

Implementation Force具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IFOR
  2. 英语全称: Implementation Force
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:执行部队
  7. 中文拼音:zhí xíng bù duì
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:联合国


  1. This paper makes distinction between and analysis on several conceptions related to the implementation force, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions.
  2. 就常见的几个与执行力相关的概念做了区别和分析,并给出相应的建议。
  3. For government, strengthens the implementation force of law for environmental information disclose, which propitious to the long-term and sustainable development of country, society and the all humanity;
  4. 对政府来说,加强环境信息披露的立法执法力度,有利于国家和社会乃至于整个人类的长远和可持续发展;
  5. The implementation force of the team was enhanced; the production efficiency and product quality are improved greatly.
  6. 团队执行力明显增强,生产效率及产品品质都得到较大的提升。
  7. Rational use of channel control mechanisms can strengthen relationships among channel members, protect implementation force of the channel strategy, enhance cooperative efficiency of the channel, thus realizing knowledge sharing among channel members and raising the overall competitiveness of channels.
  8. 合理运用渠道控制机制可以加强渠道成员之间的紧密联系,保障渠道战略的执行力,增强渠道的合作效率,从而有效实现渠道成员间的知识共享,提升渠道整体竞争力。
  9. Now that the law admits the right of guaranteed goods, the law should give certain defeating force and restrict the scope of implementation force of the third person who can not participate in.
  10. 但法律既然承认其为担保物权,应赋予其一定的对抗力,应对不得对抗的第三人的范围加以限制。


英文缩写词 IFOR 的含义,不止“Implementation Force”一个。




  1. Immigrants Force 缩写成 “IFOR”. 中文意思是:移民部队
  2. Institute for Operations Research 缩写成 “IFOR”. 中文意思是:运筹学研究所
  3. Illinois Federation For Outdoor Resources 缩写成 “IFOR”. 中文意思是:伊利诺伊州户外资源联合会


  1. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation 缩写成 “IFOR”. 中文意思是:国际和解基金会


  1. International Fellowship of Reconciliation 缩写成 “IFOR”. 中文意思是:国际和睦团契

